7 Wonderful Weeping Trees To Decorate The Yard And The Garden

Wonderful Weeping Trees To Decorate The Yard And The Garden

The weeping trees do not derive their name from the fact that they are unlucky, hence the weeping. The real story behind its name is that the leaves are drooping and they bow down, as if someone in gloom. Although some of the weeping trees need to cultivated but most of the weeping trees grow naturally. While growing these trees, one must also keep in mind the climatic conditions. Likewise, the weeping trees mostly need long periods of bright sunlight and very less shade. However, many variants can also easily survive in long shades with not very warm temperatures.

If you are deciding to decorate your garden and the garden with weeping trees, then it is always better to choose the dwarf varieties. The various dwarf varieties which are very commonly found occur as the species of birch trees, willows, junipers, redbuds, and cherry trees. If you wish to grow an evergreen weeping tree then by far the best variety is the weeping cedar tree. Having said this, one must also understand that this is not mandatory. If you happen to have a spacious backyard, then obviously you can grow for the full-grown varieties and not the dwarf ones.

Wonderful Weeping Trees To Decorate The Yard And The Garden

Amazing weeping trees in the garden and the yard

1) Weeping copper beech

Usually Weeping trees are grown at the sides of the garden for its huge shade or at the very entrance. However, this plant can be grown in the middle too. It can grow up to five to fifteen feet in bright sunlight.

2) Golden curls willow

With the chilly winters setting in, this weeping tree is a great companion. It can attain great heights, to approximately fifteen feet to thirty feet. They love to propagate in moist soil but not flooded ones. This plant is known by various names like globe willow, dragon’s claw, Hankow willow and pekin willow

3) Weeping crab apple

If you wish to plant a weeping tree which can bear fruits as well, then try to grow weeping crab apple. These are beautiful trees with tiny pink flowers. With the aesthetic hues, in no time, they turn the garden into a colourful spring garden. These weeping trees need regular pruning owing to their branching nature which are woody and stiff as compared to the other variants. This tree bears fruits which a colour combination of yellow and red. These trees too, grow really tall; up to a height of at least eleven to fourteen feet.

4) Weeping cherry tree

With the beautiful pink blossom, these weeping trees form a great attraction point in the garden. These plants have an extensive canopy with no edible fruits. Weeping cherry trees are in their flowering stage in the season of late winters. For some, the early springs can also be the blossom season. These plants grow up to a height of approximately ten to fifteen feet. They love bright sunlight. Occasional shade is good for these plants.

Weeping cherry tree

5) Weeping juniper tree

If you wish to plant a unique weeping tree which can also usher a sweet presence, then these soft weeping junipers will be your perfect bid. These plants are a beautiful combination of blue and green. They have very soft leaves. They are evergreen. The foliage from a far might look to be needle like, but in reality, they are like soft wool. These weeping trees also have a wonderful scent of their own. Usually, growing up to a height of twenty feet with a grand crown of at least nine to ten feet width.

6) Weeping Crape Myrtle

These trees are great for areas which have very low temperatures. Weeping crape myrtle not only grow a broad foliage but also grow wonderful white flowers. This tree has many branching stems, thereby growing up to a height of about eight to ten feet.

Weeping Crape Myrtle

7) Camperdown Elm

It is not always necessary that weeping trees have to be tall and ought to have a great foliage. Camperdown elms grow only up to a height of eight to ten feet. This plant for instance is small weeping tree with a dome like foliage. The shade this plant provides is really dense and thick. You might wish to play hide and seek there!

The only disadvantage with this species is that, it is very much prone to diseases. Hence, regular pruning and maintenance can keep it steady and can increase its longevity.


Growing weeping trees are not at all hard. They take very little space and provide good shade. With the weeping boughs in your garden and yard, the aesthetic level of your landscape will levitate very easily. Hopefully, with these various weeping trees, very soon garden will also get adorned by some of its variants.