Wish To Grow Easy Roses: Follow These 4 Easy Steps

Published Categorized as Garden

Is there anyone on this earth who can say a NO to the roses? Perhaps, no. Roses come in beautiful colours. From solid colours to being in combinations, roses are an absolute treat to the eyes. Roses are however not so easy to maintain as well. It requires proper trimming and pruning from time to time. Apart from the trimming business, these plants are really sturdy and can easily bear the scorching heat throughout the day. Roses do not like constant watering. They need proper and regular fertilizing. The best way to keep them healthy is to add organic manure enriched with crushed egg shells and tea leaves. For the tender or the first gardeners, the new roses are the best. They can be easily managed.

Wish To Grow Easy Roses

There are certain species of roses which can be grown easily. To name a few, Red Eden rose, Roald Dahl rose, Double Delight rose and Sally Holmes rose. Herein, with great care we have tried to bring together the simplest ways to grow easy roses.

The best 4 ways to grow easy roses


Snowdrifts are great garden investments. Throughout the year they keep blossoming and keeps producing large white flowers. Being put in the category of the easy roses, they are indeed great to grow. Either you can choose to use grafts to grow this rose variant or can simply plant the easily available rose roots. With mediocre watering on the initial stages and proper utilization of organic manure, the plant will soon grow to at least a height of three to four feet.

Mystic Fairy

These roses grow into great shrubs. They are perennial and are also resistant to various kinds of diseases. These plants grow bushy red flowers. The flowers usually stay intact for a couple of days. Even in very small patches of land, these flowers can be grown with ease. Plant the grafts of this plant with care. Do not push the cut grafts too deep in the soil. Mystic fairy is a great rose variant for moist soils. Moist soils do not mean flooded soils. Excess watering is a reason why easy roses like the one mentioned here, die very early.

Mystic Fairy

This plant usually does not require constant pruning. All the more, with minimal organic manure at the initial days can easily make these plants survive. These plants usually tend to grow up to a height of two to three feet. These can be easily grown in the centre of the garden. With easy upkeep and less time investment, these roses are great garden buddies.

Yellow submarine

As the name reveals, these roses are yellow in colour with a tinge of white. With an approximate height of four to five feet, these plants are an exquisite attraction in the garden. Either through stem cutting or via planting the tiny roots, these plants can be grown. Remember to provide a prolonged light time with watering every two to three times a week. Do not sprinkle water on the leaves, they tend to contract fungal diseases then. Use banana peels in the manure.

Yellow submarine

Sunrise sunset

These plants are versatile and long lasting. Sunrise sunset can be grown in probably all types of climate; keeping aside the extreme weathers. They have beautiful pinkish petals which are designed in a very unique fashion. These tend to grow up to a maximum height of two to three feet. The best advantage of this type of rose is that, it has no specific flowering season. Throughout the year, this plant grows flowers from pink to apricot colours. With a proper well-drained soil, this plant also needs a thick layer of mulch and organic manure. For this rose, you can simply obtain a cutting. Remember to keep the cutting to a length of at least ten to fourteen inches. Larger the cutting, firmer will be the roots.

Sunrise sunset


It is needless to mention that roses can easily make your garden more attractive than before. For roses, always bring in the annual varieties. There are various species of roses that can bloom easily and with very little maintenance distress. From Mystic Fairy to Sunrise sunset, types of roses are many. Roses are not only great additions to your garden but they are also very long living. These plants usually remain untouched by diseases. All the more, they can bear intense sunlight for at least six to eight hours at a stretch. These plants can easily survive with watering three to four times a week. Moreover, with the basic pruning, these easy roses demand for nothing else. You can try to grow these easy grows. These plants will grow really fast and will soon beautify your garden. Happy gardening with these new members of the rose family.