Winter Care For The Plants: Follow The 6 Easy Steps

Published Categorized as Garden

With the onset of the winter, it is very necessary to take extra caring measures for your plants. The plants being delicate might get affected by the dry cold winds or by the snow. It is always advised to plant seasonal plants, so that they will already be resistant to the respective weather conditions of that season. Likewise, try growing sturdy plants or herbs that can grow in cold weathers.

With the variety of seasonal ornamental plants and flowers, it is really easy to find winter friendly plants. Apart from growing the respective plants, it is also advisable to take great care of the annual plants in your garden. Likewise, here in we have listed 6 best methods to care for garden in the chilling winter.

Easy winter tips for the garden

1. Cover planters with plastic

With the winter breeze beginning to blow, keep your gardening materials ready. To decorate the garden, we tend to use various kinds of planters. We also use hanging planters as well. However, during winter, the plants growing in the planters tend to dry out easily. Well, this occurs not due to lack of water but due to the dry weather.

It is better to cover the planters with thick plastics so as to prevent the formation of snow or even snowflakes. The planters can also be painted in thick layers. The planters ought to be lined with thick plastics also in the inner part of the planter. The covering with the plastics helps to protect the plants from sudden frost.

2. Culture herbs

Herbs being tender and soft plants tend to grow in the shade. They dislike bright sunlight and scorching heat can instantly kill these plants. The herbs can be grown well in tiny vintage containers or jars or planters. Since, herbs do not like heat, hence can be easily grown in the winters. Likewise, Parsley having a long and tender taproot helps it to withstand temperatures as low as two to three degree Celsius.

Even the glossy basil can be grown in tiny pots with regular watering. Oregano and Chives are considered to be comparatively tough winter plants. All these mentioned herbs are perennials. Apart from these herbs, Thyme is an absolutely winter resistant plant. Without much care, thyme can easily grow and bloom with a great shade.

3. Winter tips for pruning

With the winter growth of the plants, some gardeners tend to chop the bushy shrubs and trim the overgrowth of the trees. However, the major part of the gardeners’ community advises not to prune the garden in the winter or just before the winter.

Likewise, it is true that pruning manifests better growth but at times, the pre-winter pruning restricts the plants to grow a sturdier bark or foliage. The tough bark helps to protect them from the winter’s harsh winds. All the more, at times this untimely pruning also causes the death of the plants due to their stunted growth and lack of proper protection.

Winter tips for pruning

4. Water the plants regularly

In the winter, due to the constant dipping temperatures, formation of snow is very evident. This snow also tends to strangulate the roots. All the more, the formation of snow in the pockets of the planters, tend to drill cracks in the planters. Hence, to restrict the incremental deposition of snow, continuous watering is required. However, do not water the plants excessively.

5. Grow winter plants

It is always clever to grow perennials so as to reduce the cost kept aside for constant maintenance. You can grow a variety of citrus fruits from oranges to lemons, all grow exceedingly well in the winters. Even veggies like cauliflowers, gourds and cabbages can be grown.

Many kinds of berries like strawberries, raspberries and blueberries can be grown in bushy thickets. However, while growing the perennials, keep in mind to not grow all the available plants. Some plants like Phlox and Pachysandra get infested with pests and contract diseases very easily. Hence, do remember to research a bit before planting the perennials. While growing the beautiful and colorful dahlias and zinnias, remember to grow them in pots.

6. Protect the flower beds

Winter means a wide variety of flowers will be introduced into the garden from Chrysanthemums to Gladioli. Side by side, winter also means racing cold winds and snow. So, protect the beautiful flowers, cover the garden beds with hardy wooden shades.

Protect the flower beds


To maintain an attractive garden even in the cold and dry winters, keep watering the plants regularly. Bring the most tender plants indoors. Try to grow perennial plants like oranges, gourds and cabbages. Even various kinds of flowers like roses, gladioli and zinnias can be grown. With the various tips mentioned above, it is very easy to maintain a colorful garden.