What Are The Various Key Points To Remember To Start Vegetable Farming?

Published Categorized as Farming

The vegetable farming is an extremely important part of the farming. Over the years, the farmers are trying to introduce better and more exotic vegetables. More and more growth of vegetables are not only bringing in better soil fertility and are also bringing in better health development in the consumers. In the vegetable farming, the plant parts like the leaves, roots and the shoots are harvested for sale. There are various vegetables that can be made to use, either through primary consumption or through the secondary consumption. From salads to curries and from soups to other main course dishes, vegetables are an important ingredient.

Variety of vegetables are grown in the country owing to the diverse regional climatic conditions and also owing to the prevailing diverse taste. Though we refer to vegetables in a collective sense, yet they have a variety of types and sub types within it. Likewise, the vegetables can be leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce and cabbage and can be flower vegetables like cauliflower, artichoke and broccoli. Apart from these, the vegetables can be fruit vegetables like tomato, pepper and cucumber and the vegetables can be of the type of bulb vegetables like garlic, fennel and onion.

Start Vegetable Farming

The easiest type of vegetables to harvest is the root vegetables like the carrots, sweet potatoes and radishes. Here in, we have brought to your attention, various tips to remember while the beginnings of the vegetable farming.

Major Points to remember to start vegetable farming

1 ) What are the various distinctions between the planting and the sowing of the vegetables ?

It is very obvious, be it vegetables or any other crop, that the farmer wishes to grow, in its beginning days will either be sown from seeds or from tiny seedings or saplings that are planted in the fields. However, this phenomenon, though it looks very simple it is not. The soil has to meet specific requirements to sustain life. The soil has to be properly tilled, and thoroughly moistened. This can be done using manures and water. Different tools for watering and applying fertilizers are available to help the farmers prepare the soil.

Farmers can use both chemical or organic fertilizer. With the rising temperature and different climatic conditions, the farmers tend to make a variety of changes to sow the seeds and hence, plant the same. The vegetable plants can be grown by either sowing the seeds ( which is definitely a costly affair ) or by planting the seedlings or by planting the transplants from the mother plants. The seedlings can be of two prime types. The seedlings can either be grown in the open fields or can be specially grown in the green houses.

The root ball seedling is the most important and most common type of seedling process in farming. This process basically involves, uprooting the seedling from the ground along with the mud. This helps in keeping the roots intact which are buried in the mud ball around. This type of seedling helps in easy planting. The roots are already imbedded in soil which easily mixes wherever the seedling is planted. This type of seedlings can either be grown in the initial stages in a pot or in different separate blocks. Later on, with the soil intact, they can be moved slowly to the desired plantation site. Care needs to be taken to ensure that the soil around the root stays intact or it may damage the roots.

The other very common type of planting seedling method is the bare root method.  This process involves the seedling being first cultured in the soil and then being uprooted with the soil around the roots. The planting method via this process is a very complex process and needs special care.

2 ) The most important factors on which the initial stages of the vegetable production is dependent

Farmers over the years have tried to grow fresh vegetables and to do so there are variety of conditions that they need to remember. Likewise, the quality of the seed should be the prime concern of the farmers. The seeds should be clean and viable. Before buying the seeds, the farmers need to check the thoroughly.

The seeds should be of good quality, they should not be too dry or should not have any type of infestation. Before beginning of the planting of the vegetable seeds, the farmer should also keep a track of the climatic conditions with the help of various monitoring processes available. Every plant has a distinct growing season and also has some particular requirements. It is needless to mention, the farmers should be aware of the same.

Hopefully, these important tips will help the farmers when they start vegetable farming.