To Prepare Unusual Landscaping Ideas: Follow These 5 Easy Tricks

Published Categorized as Garden

Having a sprawling garden with beautiful planters and unique fountain areas is always enchanting. The garden area or per se the backyard looks even more beautiful, when it incorporates unique landscaping ideas. You can construct dynamic fountains or introduce weird yet attractive planters. Even a sliding garden can look nice; decorated well with hanging planters holding roses and jasmines.

Here in, we have listed a wide variety of unusual landscaping ideas to break the monotony in the garden.

Prepare Unique Landscaping Ideas

The best ways to prepare unusual landscaping ideas

A pebbled path

Having a garden is itself a bliss. The beauty of the garden increases manifold when it comes handy with a beautiful and meandering pebbled path. Well, at times, you can align some flowery pots like of roses, pansies and petunias at the side of the snake like pebbled path. You can also decorate the upper portion of the pebbled path with beautiful ribbons and decorative lanterns. The lanterns and tiny paper flowers can definitely make the garden look increasingly magical.

Rock garden

Garden never restricts to the idea that it will only comprise of palm trees or of bushy primroses. A garden is very inclusive. You can add a tiny rock garden at the middle of the flower beds. Likewise, you can stack various shapes of rocks and can grow tiny hedges in between them. You can also paint the rocks or can align in them a way such that they replicate a fantastical showpiece of some kind. You can also bring in pebbles and lay out beautiful designs with them.

Rock garden

A fountain amidst a rocky backdrop

It is needless to say, the colour combination of green and blue look absolutely heavenly. Hence, having a foaming fountain is always a great choice in the garden. For preparing a fountain, you can connect an underground water source to the newly built fountain. Otherwise, there are some cost-effective designs as well. You can keep a pot at a height and arrange a pipe through it to arrange the water source. The base of the pot should be covered with rocks so that the construction of the pipe grows invisible. The visitors will only be able to see a gurgling fountain from a pot situated amidst a stack of rocks.

A fountain amidst a rocky backdrop

Apart from the fountains, even personal ponds are in vogue. Likewise, a series of tough tyres can be used to form a beautiful pond. Thereby, providing an instant water source to the garden.

Old vintage wagons

You might heap your backyard with the old and rusted wagons and wheel barrows thinking them to be useless. Well, then our next trick is to put into use these old vehicles. You can place a vintage wagon by the garden fence and stuff it with varieties of dahlias and sunflowers. To combine the flowers with a trace of greenery, add plants like rubber plants and dwarfed palms. Remember to brightly colour these wagons. Same with the wheel barrows and old rusted cycles, you can plant beautiful flowers in the baskets. However, before painting these, keep in mind to polish them well so that so prickly rusted part pops up.

Old vintage wagons

Chess like garden

With a gravelled path, having a green chess board is really fascinating. While preparing a lofty lawn, remember to chop off the alternate squares to give a feeling of a chess board. You can place beautifully decorated planters on the barren patches. The green patches can be put to use by growing lighter herbs like chives or basil or by growing salads by lettuce or cherry tomatoes. The look of a chess board like garden patch is trending nowadays.

Chess like garden

Geometrical hedges

Maintaining a garden is indeed hard. When pruning is hard and time taking, it is better to put in more efforts at once so that the trees do not crave for constant pruning. For instance, the hedges and the shrubs in your garden can be trimmed by the means of geometrical shapes. The shrubs can go into layered rectangular shape or into Christmas tree like multiple triangular shapes. These pruning methods are really handy. With these pruning methods, the time between two consecutive pruning intervals also increasing. Thereby, reducing the cost and indeed the sweat.

Geometrical hedges

Bonsai decoration

The bonsai decoration adds on to a sophisticated look to the garden. These plants need flat table tops to grow and bloom. Either you can place many such plants together or you can decorate them accordingly either by the tea table or by the entrance to the garden.

Bonsai decoration


Gardens indeed look beautiful in itself but with the addition of cranky landscaping ideas, the attractiveness elevates. The various tricks of introducing the unique landscaping ideas have been given. Hopefully they will be of immense help to you.