To Increase The Nourishment Of The Plants: Try These 2 Broad Types Of Fertilizer

Published Categorized as Garden

Constructing a garden always makes oneself happy and delighted. However, growing variety of plants is of no use if they do not be healthy. The health of the plants depends on various factors. The plant ought to be grown in a proper sunlit region with sufficient water. Apart from the nutrients present in the soil, plants also at times need extra nutrition from the outer sources. At the present day, a plant can be boosted with a wide range of fertilizers. There should not be any debate upon which fertilizer is the best, since organic ones has won the debate long ago. From organic to mineral fertilizers, the list of fertilizers is indeed endless. The domain of mineral fertilizers further divides into the nitrogen fertilizer, Calcium fertilizer, Phosphorous fertilizer and Potassium fertilizers.

To Increase The Nourishment Of The Plants

Herein, with utmost clarity we have pointed the 2 main types of fertilizers (with 4 sub types) you can try to grow healthier plants.

The 2 broad types of fertilizer to boost the health of the plants

1) The inorganic or the mineral fertilizers

The inorganic fertilizers as the name suggests are not found naturally. They are artificial varieties of fertilizers. These fertilizers are also named as mineral fertilizers. Since the main constituent of these fertilizers is the variety of minerals. The mineral fertilizers can be easily available in the market. These fertilizers are worthwhile when you need instant growth in the plants. However, in the long run, the inorganic fertilizers tend to do more harm than good. This type of fertilizers should be spread in less quantities so as not invite any adverse side-effects. There are various sub types of the inorganic fertilizers and they have discussed below.

The inorganic or the mineral fertilizers

1.1 Calcium fertilizers

Calcium is a very important mineral for the growth of the plants. This fertilizer is never spread directly at the roots of the plants. They are used in combinations. The best combination perhaps for the perfect growth of the plants is Calcium carbonate. In simple terms, lime is the best calcium fertilizer. The other good combinations for the plants are Calcium nitrate and Calcium Sulphate. Calcium is not a primary fertilizer just like Magnesium and Sulphur. Since, Calcium is not a primary fertilizer hence it is usually found in combinations with elements like Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous. All these combinations are effective. Some of these fertilizers can be found in liquid form as well.

1.2 Potassium fertilizers

Just like Nitrogen and Calcium, even Potassium occurs in combinations when used in the fertilizers. the best combination for this mineral is Potassium sulphate. This mineral fertilizer helps to facilitate better photosynthesis. This even helps in reducing diseases on the plants.

Potassium fertilizers

1.3 Nitrogen fertilizers

The nitrogen fertilizers are very useful for fixing the plant roots to the soil. They can be used directly to the soil. They can be used in combinations like ammonium nitrate and in form of urea.

1.4 Phosphorous or Phosphate fertilizers

These fertilizers are mainly found in liquid bases. These are found in combinations like Ammonium polyphosphate and triple polyphosphate. These fertilizers help to increase the production of the soil just before the harvest season.

2) Organic fertilizers

The organic fertilizers are made or plant extracts. In simple terms anything green can be a part of the organic fertilizer. They are also called natural fertilizers. When you trim your lawn, the cut grass can be spread near the roots of the plants as fertilizers. Similarly, you can use the vegetable peels and the fruit peels as natural fertilizers. Banana peels precisely are very good source of Potash. Even crushed egg shells are good source of Calcium and Potassium.

Organic fertilizers

Apart from the residual matter, you can also use entire rotten fruits, tea leaves and coffee to form a think natural fertilizer. Since, these fertilizers are organic, hence they show no side effects whatsoever. Well, the only disadvantage of these fertilizers is that they take too long to show results in the plants. However, let us say, this is actually not a disadvantage. These fertilizers though slow at the beginning, are very beneficial in the long run. The organic fertilizers not only strengthen all the parts of the plants but also equally nourishes the soil.


The wise gardeners obviously by experience know how and when to use the fertilizers. it is needless to say that the fertilizers form an integral part of the plant growth. While using fertilizers, one must keep in mind the quantity. Too much of chemical fertilizers will definitely degrade the soil. So, we have tried to bring to you the various fertilizers to make you acquaint with the same. By understanding the effects of the types of fertilizers, you will able to choose the best for you garden.