3 Most Important Tips On Pruning A Rose Of Sharon

Pruning A Rose Of Sharon

A Rose of Sharon though sounds like a rose but it is not. Sorry to prick the bubble! Well, this is basically a hibiscus with a long and visible stalk. This type of hibiscus is extremely resistant to diseases and to the climate change. They come in various colours from yellow to blue. Usually, you might see them growing into hefty bushes but with the art of proper training, you can easily mould it into a tree. With a single main stem, the rose of Sharon is easy to maintain.

They grow well when constant and decent light is produced to them in the initial days. All the more, it is always better not to grow these shady groves since they might get infected by a variety of fungal diseases. Although, they grow great in loamy and organically cultured soil but they can also grow in dry and pebble filled soil. This plant needs regular watering and the blooms might get reduced when the temperatures fall really low If you happen to be in a doubt regarding which variety of rose of Sharon to grow, so do check the following.

Pruning A Rose Of Sharon

The most important and easy to grow varieties are Red heart, Blue chiffon, White chiffon and Sugar tip. Well, here in, we have accommodated the various easy tips to help you prune the rose of Sharon in an effective and efficient manner.

The 3 easy tips and advises to help prune the rose of Sharon in a better way

Know the approximate time to prune

One ought to be very aware of when to prune the rose of Sharon. These plants though do not demand constant and regular pruning, but when pruned the process requires to be precise. This plant though sheds off its leaves at the last but ought not be pruned at the last. To be precise, this plant should never be pruned in the autumn.

By pruning it in the late autumn, your trimmings might result in the death of the plant as well. So, just when the plant happens to get covered with a large canopy of flowers and it happens to cover a wide area, then you should be ready with your garden scissors. In the middle of the spring, when the plant comes in full bloom then you can simply prune it into a proper and neat shrub.

Things or parts to prune

The next important tip comes from the domain of which all parts should be trimmed and which all should be kept intact. While pruning the plant in the peak of spring, never even dare to touch the buds or the branches which happen to bear a bud. Try looking for the withering and the hanging dead twigs around the shrub and neatly chop them off. If you find any infected parts, then chop them off right away so that the disease does not travel to the healthier parts.

Things or parts to prune

The branches and the leaves at the base of the rose of Sharon ought to be properly pruned so that the plant gets a good shape like that of a vase. Some gardeners give them an oval shape as well. If you are growing these plans along the sides of the garden, then you can try to shape them in the form of a vase. However, if you grow a number of these shrubs at the middle of the garden, you can trim into them in the oval shapes.

Keep the main stem intact

While pruning the plant into a type of a beautiful shrub, you can try keeping the main stem intact and prune the branches. This way of pruning, reduces your regular pruning labour. The main stem further provides constant support. This process provides a linear growth to the plant. Thereby, turning a naturally occurring shrub into a tree. Some gardeners also tend to take this pruning to another level by pruning these shrubs into espaliers.


Growing a plant without a proper pruning will definitely provide a stunted growth with no healthy blooms. This idea remains to be no exception for the rose of Sharon as well. This plant proliferates by the help of self-pollination. Hence, when you are pruning these plants remember not to cut off the flowering buds.

When you cut the branching stems, try not to bifurcate the joint stem and do not expose them to the surrounding humidity. This will make the plant more prone to fungal diseases. If the plant gets infected by any fungal disease, then quickly lay a thick layer of mulch underneath the beds of the rose of Sharon. Hence, hopefully, with these various important tips, do try to grow the shrubs of this plant in a more beautiful and healthier manner.