3 Most Effective Tips For Successful Organic Farming In India

Tips For Successful Organic Farming In India

In today’s world, we have so many issues with the way farming is done. With increasing times, more and more complaints are surfacing which highlight the major issue, that is non organic farming. In non organic farming, the heavy usage of chemical fertilizers is adversely affecting the health of consumers, as well as deteriorating the health of the soil. In organic farming, on the other hand, natural ingredients are used to enhance soil fertility.

Organic farming produce is not only beneficial for human health, but also good for the soil. Organic farming in India, has been in existence since a long time. Farmers in India, used to practice organic farming in the old days. But, with the advent of technology, farmers started shifting towards artificial techniques. With the artificial techniques, the eagerness to grow more within short time also increased. So, to satisfy their demand, people started using chemical fertilizers and using other non organic techniques.

Tips For Successful Organic Farming In India

These non organic techniques have since then gradually and adversely affected the health of consumers and deteriorated the soil. So, now to revive the age old techniques, here are tips for successful organic farming in India.

Effective tips for successful organic farming in India

Organic farming in India is very old and is being practiced in India since the ancient times. Organic farming involves cultivating farm land and growing crops in such a way that it is beneficial for both soil and consumers. But with times, the age old tradition has dwindled away. So, let us see some tips for successful organic farming in India.

Organic fertilizers is one of the most important tips for successful organic farming in India

Organic farming in India is very relevant and can be easily practiced. Use of organic fertilizers is very important part of organic farming. In India, we have abundant amount of organic manures in the form of cow dung, plant wastage, tree leaves, animal wastes. All these can be used to effectively fertilize the farming land in place of chemical fertilizers. These organic manures are easily found in rural India and in places which have wide open fields. Unlike chemical fertilizers, which degrade soil quality, organic fertilizers are beneficial for soil.

Organic fertilizers

Soil can easily absorb and bio degrade the organic manure. So, all the nutrients get absorbed in the soil, which in turn is transferred to the plants. With passing time, chemical fertilizers are also becoming very costly. So, with the use of organic manures, Indian farmers can save money while earning benefits from good quality manure.

With the advancement of science, we have different techniques using which farmers can easily develop high quality fertilizers using organic manures. So, organic fertilizers is one of the most important tips for successful organic farming in India.

Crop Rotation is very crucial for successful organic farming in India

One of the most important benefits of organic farming is that it helps in replenishing the fertility of the soil. Yes! Unlike chemical fertilizers which erode the soil of its fertility, organic farming helps in improving the same. So, to ensure that organic farming continues to improve soil fertility, crop rotation is very important.

Crop rotation is a technique, in which, alternate crops are grown in a field. The aim of this technique is, if one particular crop absorbs nutrients from the soil, the next crop will help in replenishing the lost nutrients. Leguminous crops are especially famous for replenishing the soil fertility. They have root nodules which are rich in nitrogen, which help in improving the soil quality. Pulses, chich peas, beans, tamarind consumed in common Indian household are some of the famous leguminous plants.

Crop Rotation

So, by growing these crops, Indian farmers will not only be able to earn a good income, but also improve their soil quality. So, for successful organic farming in India, crop rotation should be implemented by all willing farmers.

Weed control by organic technique is very important for organic farming in India

Other than chemical fertilizers, another harmful thing in non organic farming is the use of chemical weedicides. Chemical weedicides seep into the soil and get into the bed rocks. This in the long term affect the water quality around your farm land. This adversely affects the health of animals around your field too.

So, a very important aspect for successful organic farming in India, is opting for natural weed control techniques. If you are looking for natural techniques for weed control, you do not need to worry much. In India with high population of livestock, you can easily control weed in your farm land. You can let your livestock graze in your fields. Other than this, you can use heavy mulch (hay, dried leaves) to protect the open land. These natural weed control will surely help organic farming in India.