5 Amazing Steps To Grow Hot Peppers In Gardens And Containers

Published Categorized as Garden

Honestly, every dish on my dining table craves for a spicy flavour just like so many people out there. All the more, guess what? Growing hot peppers is absolutely no big deal. You can plant them in the gardens and also grow them indoors in the containers. With flavour, these plants make your already beautiful garden even more colourful. They too come in varied sizes. Before growing peppers, remember to check its hotness. Likewise, via Scoville Hear Units (SHU), the spiciness of the different peppers can be measured. Usually, Jalapeno due to its less SHU is considered to be a sweet pepper but habanero is tagged as extremely hot pepper because of its high SHU.

Grow Hot Peppers In Gardens And Containers

Therefore, it is extremely important to first categorize which all types of peppers you need and the ones you use frequently. Usually, it is no use growing the super-hot peppers since they are so little used or for some, it is not used at all. It is better not to grow the spiciest ghost peppers. Hence, go for Cayennes, jalapenos, and anchos. If you are not a big fan of adding too much spicy peppers or as such the raw spilt peppers, then definitely try out the chilli flakes. They add the necessary aroma and flavour yet does not burn your mouth. Here in we have collected the steps to grow hot peppers in the gardens and containers.

Easy steps to grow hot peppers in gardens and in tiny containers

Prepare the soil properly in the garden

The pepper plants love to be grown in properly drained soil. You can make raised gardens for the same. The soil should be regularly irrigated and should be moistened for two weeks before planting the hot peppers. The soil should be caressed with organic manure to at least a height of two to three inches. You can also use worm castings in place of the organic manure. Try not to clog the soil by adding any fertilizer too often or too much. All the more, if you wish grow hot peppers in the containers, then first take a ceramic or a thick fiber pot. Then, fill it with a potting mix which is very rich in organic nutrition. The soil should have a good quantity of potash and nitrogen. Maintain the adequate pH level. Usually, gardeners recommend to maintain the pH at 5.8 to 6.8.

Plant the pepper seeds

The pepper seeds ought to be planted at least with a distance of three to four in between. If you are planting the seeds in the containers, remember not to plant them too deep. Some pepper variants owing to weak branches need some extra vertical support. You can plug in vertical branches or wooden sticks to the ground to let the pepper plant grow well.

Plant the pepper seeds

The seeds at least need 9 to 10 weeks to germinate. Some pepper variants are stubborn and slow. However, to fasten the germination of seeds in the pots, you can try to use the lower level’s heat.

The light and water requirements

Peppers need constant light of approximately continuous 14 to 16 hours. While growing in the pots, place them at the balcony or at the sunniest window sill to provide the constant light. All the more, some peppers can easily grow indoors if the room temperature is warm enough. Usually within a temperature range of 63-65F, hot peppers grow really well.

Peppers need regular watering. Try to maintain proper soil drainage and the soil in no way should be soggy. The best tip for watering is that, whenever you find the upper layer of the soil to be dry, water it. The planter should also importantly have a tiny hole at the bottom so as to allow constant extra water seepage. The hole will also help in constant proper aeration.

The constant care of these peppers

Peppers are great suckers of water. Hence, regular watering is very important. The soil should be moistened but do not sprinkle water on the leaves. This can cause the fungus to proliferate on the leaves. These plants usually demand high fertilizers; you can use the organic ones.

The constant care of these peppers

Use pesticides to control pests and insects (if any)

To control the pests like aphids, cutworms and the diseases like Botrytis and Anthracnose, heavy dosage of chemical fertilisers should be sprayed. The pepper plants when planted at regular distances can also minimalize the spread of diseases like leaf spot.


From Anaheims to Jalapeno and from Serrano to Poblano, various types of peppers can be easily grown in the garden and the yard. Harvest only when they get the matured colour. Hopefully, with these easy steps, you will soon be able to grow hot peppers for your dishes.