Easy ways to Build a Raised Garden Bed

Published Categorized as Garden

Before we get straight to point, lets first see what exactly is raised garden bed and why even bother building one?

Imagine having a garden a few feet above ground level, Yes! That is what a raised garden bed is. Large containers, open at both top and bottom, at a height above garden filled with soil and refreshing plants is what makes a raised garden bed.

Raised Garden Bed

Advantages of Raised Garden Bed-

Raised Garden beds have many advantages over your traditional garden-

  • Uplifted garden provides better drainage and aeration for your plant.
  • Raised garden beds are a go to option for small spaces. You can easily regulate your gardens spread.
  • Planting in a monitored space helps you control the soil quality thus giving you better power over the types of plant you wish to grow.
  • It is ergonomically easier to work upon.

Right wood for your garden bed-

To make your garden last longer, here a few important points that you need to focus upon when you select your wood for garden bed-

Right wood for your garden bed

Thicker Board for raised garden beds –

Thicker wooden boards have proved to last longer than usual thin planks. Opting for 2-inch-thick properly sourced wood will help you reduce maintenance charges and will work properly for an average ten years.

Expensive woods –

Expensive woods like cedar last longer and are a better option. Cedar has natural oil which makes it more durable by preventing rotting. So may be will be a burden on your pocket initially but they will help save extra expenses in later years.

Alternatives for wood –

You can opt for concrete blocks or brick structures to build a proper one-time garden bed. Though these options sound to be cheaper and easy to maintain but they have disadvantage too. Over the years they tend to change the pH of the soil thus adversely affecting your garden bed and may even spoil your produce.

How big is the right size for your raised garden bed?

How big is the right size for your raised garden bed

Factors affecting the size of your garden bed-

Available space-

The amount of open space available to position your garden bed determines the size. There is no fixed size for a garden bed.


Proper open space with adequate amount of sunlight is required to raise a healthy garden. So before deciding the size of your garden you need to finalize the location for your garden where all prerequisites are met.

Suggestion for dimensions-

  • On an average, 4 feet is a commonly used width size for raised garden beds. This makes it conventional to use, as it is neither too wide nor too narrow. In case you make it too wide it becomes difficult to reach the center portion of your garden, then weeding becomes difficult.
  • Length can be as per your choice. People usually make 4ft by 8ft beds or 4ft by 12 ft beds.
  • It is usually advisable to maintain at least 6 inches of soil as most garden plants needs that. So, the depth should vary between 6 inches to 12 inches of soil.

Ground work before you build your raised garden bed

The ground above which you wish to build your garden needs to be cleaned out properly. So do remember to clear out the grass and ensure that the soil is not too compacted.

Ground work before you build your raised garden bed

Build your raised garden bed

  • To start with, first tether in your corner stakes. In case you are planning on building a longer bed, do plant stakes at frequent intervals for better support. Plant these stakes on the inside of the bed so that they are not visible from outside.
  • Push the stakes into the ground to leave only 40% of the stakes above the ground.
  • While working on the stakes, do remember the stakes should be all at same height or else you will have a tilted garden
  • Now to start with the bed boards, position the lowest boards a few inches below ground level. Then use galvanized nails to put the boards and the stakes together.
  • Post this add the other boards similarly to the stakes to build your garden bed.

Planning your garden-

It is very important that you plan out where in your garden you wish to grow what. This depends upon the soil and light available. Usually opting for plants which have similar requirements reduces work and provides better output.

Preparing the soil-

Remember the health of your garden depends upon your soil. So do ensure a proper mixture of top soil, compost and other organic fertilizers to provide the required nutrients to your plants.

Raised garden beds are a good option for a healthy garden for people who love the smell of fresh produce but can’t afford to maintain a huge garden

spread. So if that person is you, do try out our ideas and enjoy your own raised garden bed.