Popsicle Stick fish Craft for Summer – Easy Aquatic Animal Craft for Kids

Popsicle Stick fish Craft for Summer

Popsicle Stick Fish Craft for Summer – A simple craft packed with a bucket full of creativity and color. After all, its Summer folks! The ideal time of the year to head to the beach and create stunning new summer crafts.

One such craft which I really liked was this beaded snail craft. Another such craft which got stuck to me is this Popsicle stick fish craft.

Popsicle Stick fish Craft for SummerWhen you see these bright and brilliant colored fishes around you, you make a good and happy life without much effort.

Supplies needed to make a Popsicle Stick fish

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Construction paper
  • Water Color
  • Googly Eyes

How to Make a Popsicle Stick Fish

Step 1: Color your Popsicle Sticks with blue water color. You can use any color you want. If you are making a gold fish then color yellow, or etc.

Step 2: Stick two popsicle sticks together with the help of a small cardboard in their background. Overlap these popsicle sticks with two more popsicle sticks on alternate sides. Cover the top with another popsicle stick cut in half.

Step 3: In the square formed in the middle stick a yellow cut out square with the help of a construction paper.

Step 4: Stick a googly eye right on the edge of the popsicle sticks.

And, there you go you have made a fish with just few colourful popsicle sticks. I bet this is the cutest craft you’ve made until now.

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