To Plant The Parking Strip: Follow The 3 Amazing Ways

Published Categorized as Garden

Having space for a linear or a winding parking strip is an absolute delight in the landscape. The maintenance of the parking strips can invariably depend upon the locations. It is always good to maintain a neat and a well-trimmed verge. Oh yes, parking strip has various names or nicknames per se. For example, verge, devil’s strip, curb strip, urban verge and so on and so forth. Never allow weeds to blossom along the parking strips. While contemplating on what to grow by the sides, you can always grow with planting grasses.

These grasses ought to be mowed neatly and should be watered regularly. However, owing to the narrow space, at times regular watering might not be possible. For those periods, try to grow plants that can sustain with long interval watering.  The 3 most amazing ways to plant the parking strip has been given below.

Plant The Parking Strip

3 best ways to plant your parking strip

Key points to remember while planting the parking strip

It is very obvious that the parking strips never belong to an individual. All the more, such areas always run the risk of being used up for erecting something by the corporations. Hence, never invest chunks of bucks into it. Do not plant costly trees and high maintenance plants. Try to grow tender yet heat loving plants. Do not such plants that need constant mowing. It is always good to grow plants that would be beneficial to you as well like herbs and salads.

Key points to remember while planting the parking strip

Grow edible plants

Many a times, you may feel that your landscape is already too burden with growing edibles. At such days, you can always turn to planting the same at the parking strip. However, while using the area by the parking strip, remember to not overcrowd it. Keep weeding sessions regularly at the place. You can easily grow cherry tomatoes and juicy lettuce. With the various hybrid and dwarf breeds of veggies available, try growing them by the hell strip or curb strip. The dwarf varieties of eggplants, peas and beans have grown very common.

While planting the veggies, remember not to provide raise garden beds. The raised garden beds in the long term will eat the parking strip or the road verge. All types of leafy veggies can be grown with ease at the side. Always water them regularly. It is also important to keep in mind that only such veggies should be grown that can resist the constant heat of the day.

Fruits like strawberries, raspberries and blueberries can be grown. It is however always recommended not to grow the fruits by the parking strip dur to their less resistance to heat. Better to grow them in shade.

The flowers to grow at the parking strip

While growing flowering plants at the sides of the parking strip, never grow large bushes. If at all you happen to grow hedge or shrub like flowers, trim it regularly. You can grow sage, violets, hostas and crocus amongst many others. Choose flowers which are very vibrant and long lasting. Do not grow flowers that will easily wilt or dry out. You can also grow zinnias, salvias and pansies. These are beautifully coloured flowers. The biggest plus point of these flowers is that they do not occupy large space. They can be easily grown in a linear fashion by the parking strip. Since, these flowers are a bit tender as compared to the rest, hence they need more watering and organic manure.

The flowers to grow at the parking strip

Apart from directly planting the flower plants to the ground, you can also use tiny planters. The planters will indeed restrict the extra branching of the plants. These planters will also help to grow more flowers at a lesser area under work.


With a beautiful landscape, culturing a wonderful parking strip is an art. The parking strips always adds on to the overall look of the landscape. Hence, never neglect this area. One of the most important tips regarding growing plants by the parking strip is to never grow plants with strong roots. Plants with the strong roots while reaching deeper in the soil in search of water can damage the sidewalks. These roots tend to create cracks very easily in the sidewalks.

Always grow plants that have tender and shallow roots. You can grow a wide range of wild flowers and various types of wild grasses. They are extremely easy to maintain. Being perennial, they never have issues in adapting with the prevailing weather. Grow these grasses or the plants by simply burying the seeds in well-dug deep holes. Herein, with great care the three main ways to start with the planting of the parking strip has been mentioned. Hopefully, they will be of great help to you as well.