5 Easy Tips To Design Your Very Own Perfect Garden

Published Categorized as Garden

Have you always wished to have a perfect garden, but had no clue how to design one? Having one’s own perfectly designed garden is like a dream come true. A perfectly designed garden not only makes your life easier but also greets you with freshness and natural warmth.

A garden though a very lucrative idea, if not executed properly may become a huge problem. But with the right tips you can have your perfect garden. So here we have very easy tips to help you design your very own perfect garden.

Design Your Very Own Perfect Garden

Plan out your garden space

A well-maintained, fresh garden is only possible, if you have a perfectly planned garden. A garden with inadequate planning will turn into a mess. Imagine a garden where in you do not have enough space to access your plants and tend to their needs. So, to avoid that dreadful imagination from becoming the truth, you need to properly plan your garden space.

Demarcate your garden floor

If you have a magnificent, wide area outdoor garden, you can easily plan your garden. First thing that you need to do is decide which area you wish to dedicate for what. If you are planning to grow a mixture of plants like fruits, vegetables, flowers, kitchen herbs, then you need to decide and allocate separate place for them. To demarcate the area in your garden for different plants, you need to consider their individual requirements.

The garden space receiving most amount of light should be home to plants that required higher amount of sunlight.  Incase, you have small space for your garden then you can opt for multi-tier garden arrangement. Even for multi-tier arrangement you need to decide which plant can be grown where depending upon their requirements.

Demarcate your garden floor

Proper floor planning to design your very own perfect garden

After you have decided where to grow which plant, you need to decide the amount of space you can dedicate to each plant. Every plant requires their own amount of space. While planning the garden, you need to dedicate adequate amount of space to allow each plant to grow comfortably. Apart from their individual space, every plant needs to be kept at a safe distance from each other.

To ensure you have a flourishing garden, you need to maintain your garden. To maintain your garden, you need to have enough space to reach and tend to your plants. So, while planning your garden floor, you need to ensure enough space for plant growth and also enough space for you to work.

Meet your plants’ requirements to have a perfect garden: –

Every different plant has different requirements and thus need to be taken care of properly. If you wish to design your very own perfect garden, you need to consider this very carefully.

Light requirements

Every plant has their own amount of light requirement to sustain and grow properly. So, when you design your garden, you need to see which amount of plant requires what amount of light. If in case a plant requires high amount of light, you need to position the same at the sunniest sport.

If no spot in your garden can meet the required light availability you need to plan for artificial lights. While planning artificial lights, you need to ensure proper wiring. Your wiring should meet safety standards and should be easily accessible for maintenance.

Light requirements

Soil requirement

Similar to light, different plant has different soil requirements. To have a blooming and productive garden, you need to tend to the soil requirement very attentively. To make your work easier, you can plan your plants such that, plants with similar soil requirement are placed together. This way you can fertilize and maintain the soil for many plants together. But if you decide to have similar plants together, do remember to have proper spacing.

Water Requirement

To help plants flourish, water is one of the most important requirements. Depending upon their differences in water requirement, you need to plant your garden. Plants with huge water requirement should be positioned closer to your water resource. In case you have limited water availability, you can plan and have step garden. You can also plan to have drip irrigation. If you are planning to have drip irrigation, do ensure hygiene in your piping system.

Water Requirement

A properly planned and well-maintained garden will surely ensure you have a pleasing experience while enjoying fresh produce. A well-maintained perfectly designed garden, ensures that you can easily maintain your garden at minimal cost. It also helps you have more time to enjoy your garden and spend less time worrying. So try out the easy steps to design your very own perfect garden.