Paper Strip Pumpkin Craft for Halloween – Easiest Halloween Craft for Kids

Crafts for Halloween are eerily funny and creative. Just as this little pumpkin craft where I have used just orange cardboard paper. The only other things which I have used are glue and scissors.

Paper Strip Pumpkin Craft for Halloween

If you are looking for an easy Halloween craft then there cannot be anything easier than this craft.

Supplies needed for paper strip Pumpkin craft

  • Orange and green construction paper
  • Scissor
  • Glue

How to Make paper Strip pumpkin Craft

Step 1: Cut out approximately six or more large strips of paper which are at least 1 inch wide and almost 8-10 inch long.

Step 2: Gather the ends of these paper strips and stick it with a glue. You can even use a stapler to keep them at one place.

Step 3: Do the same with the other end.

And, that’s how you make a paper strip Pumpkin craft for Halloween. Could there be any craft easier than this? I am sure your answer would be no. Here we have a craft which is super cute and super easy.