Paper Plate Shark Craft – A Super-Interesting Animal Craft for Kids

Paper Plate Shark Craft

Since I started making Animal craft, I am in love with them. They are so much more life-like and engaging than any other craft. For example, look at this scary shark craft right here. What do you think of it when you see it? Scary, deadly and somewhat happy too.

Right? Yes! That’s the beauty of animal crafts. They take our mind off from this mundane life and pours in a bucket of freshness all over us. This was the case with me when I started making this paper Plate shark craft.

Paper Plate Shark Craft

Let me teach you how to do it, so that we both can have fun.

Supplies Needed for Paper Plate Shark Craft

  • Paper Plate
  • Water Color
  • Scissor
  • Glue
  • Googly Eyes

Let’s Make a Paper Plate Shark

Step 1: Paint your paper plate with black water color and let it dry out for a while.

Step 2: Cut your Paper Plate in Half from the center. Don’t throw away the other part.

Step 3: Cut out the shark mouth with scissors at the top end of the paper plate.

Step 4: Stick a googly eye just below the shark mouth when your paper plate has dried.

Step 5: Cut out two fins, one small and another large with the cut out part of the paper plate.

Step 6: Make a fish tail with that cut out paper plate and stick it at the base of the paper plate.

And, that is how you make a paper plate shark craft.