Organic Lawn Care: Follow These 8 Easy Tips

Organic Lawn Care

Preparing the lawn in itself is a very rigorous task. To top it all, bringing about natural methods to care for the organic lawn grows all the more challenging. Try to keep a lawn well within your capacity. To be precise, bigger the lawn, more will be the cost input. To give a lawn a long lifespan, it is always good to inculcate natural methods. You can keep aside the chemical fertilizers and the pesticides.

Easily replace these chemical things with the biodegradable wastes or decomposed kitchen wastes. The gardener should firstly select a nice variety of grasses. The grasses can be perennial or to reduce further sweat, you can grow annual grasses. Herein, we have put forth a collection of some easy tips for organic lawn caring.

Organic Lawn Care

1. Choose the right type of grass

While designing the lawn, keep in mind a variety of grasses. According to the soil available, pick the right kind of grass. Firstly, try to grow the grasses which are native to your place. The native grass grows faster and also with lesser demands. The best lawn grasses are Bermuda grass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass and Zoysia grass. While growing a new turf, always remember to scrape off the old turf. Otherwise, the lawn’s health will certainly deteriorate.

Choose the right type of grass

2. Have a healthy soil

The soil in which you grow the grasses should be of fine quality. Likewise, the soil should be well-drained. Do not compress the soil. Compression of soil leads to scarcity of proper air passage. This causes deficiency in the roots of the plants. The soil should have benevolent earthworms to enrich the soil. While using nitrogen fertilizers, keep in mind not to use excess of it. It is always good to keep the soil well-watered but do not flood it.  Uprooting the weeds is definitely good but never render a single colour to the lawn. Try to keep the wild dandelions intact.

3. Chop the grasses with care

While trimming the grasses, remember to not cut it from the bottom line. Never chop off the grass clippings. Cutting off the grass clippings leads to stunted and haphazard growth of the lawn. Grass trimming is a very vital component in caring for your organic lawn. Hence, should be done with care and stay alert while doing it.

4. Use the chemical fertilizers selectively

The chemical fertilizers should be sprinkled in little dose after having diluted with water. These pesticides and herbicides kill even the helpful nematodes. Hence, the chemical fertilizers if used should be spread with care. All the more, keep in mind that excess of fertilizers can cause leaching of soil.

5. Use sharper lawn mowers

It is always advised to used sharpened lawn mowers. The blunted blades of the mowers tend to grasses into half with no scope of regular growth. Hence, always sharpened lawn mowers should be used which can cut the dried parts of the leaves with utmost care.

Use sharper lawn mowers

6. Do not trim the grass up to the root level

While trimming the lawn, never uproot the grasses. Uprooting will lead to damaging the texture of the soil. Fix a height of the grass level. Likewise, the height of the grass can be kept up to three to four inches. The grasses of the lawn should be trimmed in rows and not altogether.

7. Use organic manure

While growing and caring for an organic lawn, do not use chemical fertilizers and herbicides. The chemicals tend to eat away the benevolent insects as well. This leads to the drying off of the lawn. The best organic manure can be the kitchen waste. The kitchen waste consists of vegetable peels, fruit peels and rotten food matter. Even crushed egg shells, tea leaves and leftovers after grounding the coffee.

8. Use lime when required

The modern gardeners advise that adding lime is unnecessary. Lime increases the pH level of the soil which can be detrimental for the grasses. To replace lime, one can use crushed egg shells. The decomposed egg shells are a very good source of Calcium and Phosphorus. Finely crush the egg shells to let the grasses absorb it faster.


With the scarcity of land for gardening and managing a vast lawn, try to keep a small yet a quality organic lawn. While caring for the lawn, keep in mind the grass height, the soil texture and the fertilizers used. To get a beautiful lush green lawn, it is not always necessary to water it regularly. Try to use all organic ingredients so that there is no side effect on the lawn. You can use decomposed tea leaves with crushed egg shells for organic manure. The above-mentioned easy and viable tips will indeed help you to take good care of your organic lawn.