Top 7 Amazing Low Light Succulents For Your Office

Low Light Succulents For Your Office

At a stretch sitting in the office is very hectic. With every passing second in the cubicle, everyone wishes to escape to the outdoor to grab a lung filled with fresh air. We all must have craved for days to have an office on the nature’s lap. So, here we have tried bringing to you an office amidst the bliss of nature. You can grow low light succulents which are extremely easy to maintain and also provide an extremely soothing environment. These plants being desert plants, do not have issues with irregular watering.

Low Light Succulents For Your Office

You can place the succulents on your office table as well or on the window sills. The larger variants can be just grown in wide planters and can be placed at the office floor. Some succulents further beautify the office look with the flowers they bear. Succulents like moon cactus and crown of thorns are an absolute delight in the office space. They do not need such light; just lots of love. Here in, we have collected a wide variety of low light succulents to help you decorate your office.

7 best low light succulents for your office


These succulents can be found in varied shapes with a variety of leaf-types. The texture of this plant is very complicated. Some species have star shaped body with pointed leaves and some have a beaded appearance. They succulents can be kept on the office table itself.



Lenophyllum is a very beautiful low light succulent which looks like a well-carved masterpiece. This has a very well-designed pattern of leaves. The leaves grow overlapping. They primarily have seven variants. Since, they do not grow very tall, they can be easily grown in small plastic containers.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is very famous in the domains of aromatherapy and in health sectors. It is time to make it equally known in the office arena. This plant has thick leaf blades and a very broad root base. All the more, in the winter and in the spring, some aloe vera species also happen to bloom. They bear orangish to reddish flowers on long stalks. However, this bloom is not so frequent and perhaps in the office enclosure, the plant might not bloom at all.

Aloe vera


Orbea is not a very common succulent. It is shaped like a star. This plant happens to come in many colours like yellow, red and even in spotted forms. They have very fleshy petals which seem to intimidate the visitors. The stem is very succulent and has spikes all over the body.



This succulent has very tiny and shiny leaves. It does grow to about two to three feet tall. They tend to require well developed sandy soil. All the more, these plants come in various names. The most common names are- dwarf jade plant and spekboom. In most of the species of this plant, you will find green leaves, colour ranging from deep green to faded green. Some species of portulaca also have variegated leaves. However, the most unique feature of this plant is that they have red stems.

Crown of thorns

This plant derives its name from the fact that it is beautifully decorated with flowers at its top like a crown. The flowers are of various colours, some are deep red, some are pink and while some are spotted with pink and red colours. This plant has a long stem with hardened thorns. The leaves happen to be medium in size and are not thick. These can grow well in large planters since they will eventually branch. These plants might need pruning one or twice a month.

Crown of thorns


If you are searching for low light succulents that can bear wonderful flowers as well, then you would definitely love Rhombophyllum. This plant has many variants. One growing thin yellow strip like flowers, the other grows bushy red flowers and so on and so forth. These plants grow wonderful thick and small flat leaves. They do not grow very tall. They can be easily grown on the window sills or can be placed just by the door as well.


With the stress in the office, it is always great to escape into the greenery. With these wonderful low light succulents, you can indeed earn more focus and can remain a bit less stressed. Grow succulents according to your office space. Keep tiny round succulents like Echeveria and Aloe vera on the table. You can grow the tough crown of thorns at the window sills. With the beauty and the grandeur of the succulents, their sturdy characteristics make them extremely suited for such closed environments. Hopefully, with these beautiful low light succulents, your office hours will soon turn out to be more enjoyable and easier.