Follow 4 Simple Steps To Plant An Indoor Hanging Herb Garden

Plant An Indoor Hanging Herb Garden

Growing greenery in and out of your place, is always eye-catching. With hanging indoor plants, try to bring your garden to the next elegant level. When you are deciding to grow a garden indoors, that too a hanging one. Then, try to grow tender useful herbs in them. The herbs can grow and propagate easily without strong sunlight. From Basil to Lemongrass, all kinds of herbs can be easily grown indoors. The hanging indoor garden further provides an additional beauty quotient to the herbs. Herbs are very obedient.

Plant An Indoor Hanging Herb Garden

In the sense, of not consuming large acres of land. They can easily fit in your decorated hanging planters. The hanging planters can be hung from the ceiling or the window sills or from the curtain rods.

Well, then let us see how to plant an indoor hanging herb garden.

Steps to grow an Indoor Hanging Herb Garden

The most appropriate hanging planter to use

The first important step to grow an indoor herb garden is to find the perfect planter. Bring in pots which are small and light weighted. Herbs are light so, do not use large planters. Try using plastic or light ceramic planters. Some also use clay pots or used narrow plastic bottles. If you wish to grow herbs economically, simply go for used plastic containers or bottles.

The most appropriate hanging planter to use

Then, you can easily cut down the cost of buying the planters. According to the weight of the planter, choose the hanging material. For bottles, you can use jute fibres or sleek iron rings or suction rubber clips. Nowadays, the modern gardeners create a large mesh frame and glue it to the ceiling. Then from this frame, they hang the planters.

Best indoor herbs to be grown

Most of the herbs can be grown indoors. Very few herbs need constant sunlight during the growth period. Herbs having small roots, need regular watering. The most easily grown herbs are Basil, Sage, Oregano and Rosemary to name a few. Herbs like lemongrass can be easily grown via seed plantation or tiny sapling plantation. Some herbs can grow by simply grafting. These herbs are likely to have short life spans. Herbs like Thyme and Cilantro can be grown by cutting the entire shoots of the mother plants. These herbs can easily grow and bloom within a month or so. Herbs like sage can simply grow by planting only the flowering shoot tips of the mother plant.

Best indoor herbs to be grown

All the more, grow herbs which you need more in the kitchen. Fancy herbs are many. Being curtailed on space, you can grow only useful edible herbs per se.

Type of soil required

The soil needs to be very well chosen. It should not be hard and must not contain any pebble. The soil should be well-watered with proper organic manure. The depth of the soil should not be much. Herbs being tender and small, need little depths of soil. The soil needs to well aerated. Herbs like bay can still grow in comparatively drier soil.

Hydroponic method

Your gardening skills are getting a modern touch with hanging planters. There is something more that can further elevate the modernistic outlook. Well, you can use hydroponic method. In this method, the plants are grown on water rather than being planted in soil. This water method cuts down the cost to introduce regular compost and manure. Herbs like Mint, Parsley and Dill can be easily grown with his method. Researchers have come to a magical conclusion. The herbs which are grown with this method are more nutritious and have a slight natural fragrance. This hydroponic method is not able to provide all the necessary elements to the herbs. Hence, you should make a regular routine to spray the necessary minerals or elements to the hanging indoor herbs.

Hydroponic method

Chives and Rosemary when grown via this method, achieves a distinct flavour. These flavours so attained are not available when these herbs are grown outdoors.


Imagine simply picking fresh herbs to garnish your food! It sounds so heavenly. Is not it? At times you can combine certain hanging herb planters with some ornamental plants. Ivy geranium, Purplish Lavender or Light-yellow Bougainvillea can make your herb planters even more aesthetic. The hanging herb planters can be placed at varied levels. The herbs that purify the air can be placed at the greatest height, at the ceiling mesh. Primarily the edible one like Basil and Oregano can be grown at the window height.

The herbs combined with the vibrant ornamental plants can be easily placed at the wall pockets or at the curtain railings. So, that they can be easily sorted and plucked. These 4 easy and amazing steps will also in no time nurture your indoor hanging herb garden.