Learn How To Make Young Gardeners

Published Categorized as Garden

The art of culturing plants should be instilled from a very young age. Gardening is not only about being introduced to the world of greenery. The entire process of sowing seeds to watering them, and finally seeing them blossom brings in a sense of responsibility. This long arduous process of taking care of the plants in the vicinity is enthralling and is of immense pleasure. Hence, children should be made tiny little helpers in gardening. Gardening at the beginning for the children might seem monotonous and complaining. You can let them innovate and grow plants that have fast and steady growth like the sunflowers. Herein, we have described the most amazing ways for gardening with kids.

How To Make Young Gardeners

The best 6 ways to garden with children

Let them grow easy plants

The children will be impatient. On the other hand, it is quite obvious that plants will require time to grow. Hence, it is always better to let your kids grow and culture such plants that grow easily. When the kids will see the end results, their interests will rise; hence the patience to witness other plants grow will also escalate. Your children can grow plants like snow peas and lettuce. These grow easily within three months or so. The growth is steady and regular. With flowers, your kids can grow the gorgeous sunflowers. Sunflowers grow easily in a month and are a source of instant delight.

Let them grow easy plants

Give them their personal garden

When you plan to engage your children in gardening, give them the entire responsibility to carry forward. Give them their personal garden. Let them prepare the soil. Obviously, you have to help them out by adding the required manure and by sprinkling water. At every step, show them how to do the things and ask them to imitate or improvise upon them. With the personal garden, hand them over the plants they wish to grow. To beautify their personal patch of garden, they can also put names on wooden plates and hang them from the lowly branches of a nearby tree. Personal touch always makes everything more delightful.

Give them their personal garden

Provide the kids with their personal set of tools like shovel etc. Let the tools not be very sharp.

Engage them in creative gardening

You might have heard of creative writing or creative designing; but the creative gardening might seem a bit odd. Is not it? Well, to constantly keep your children focussed in their gardening task, it is better to include certain fun and creative tasks. The children can be made to paint the planters or the vintage cans. They can also make scarecrows. Scarecrows are comparatively funny rather than being scary. The children can be involved be in making in butterfly feeders or bird homes. Having pollinators in the garden is always a great joy and not to mention, a great advantage as well.

Engage them in creative gardening

Apart from building and making creative items, there are other creative tasks as well. With tiny garden scissors, children can also help in geometric pruning of shrubs and hedges.

Grow veggies and fruits

Children and their constant whining of not having veggies is no more hidden. It is kind of a well-established fact. So, while involving your children in gardening, try to grow veggies and fruits. Even the mere growth of these plants under the child’s supervision can grow their interest to at least taste the veggies. Likewise, you can grow radish, gourd, pumpkin, tomato or carrots. These are colourful and also grow very fast.

Make unusual landscaping to thrill the kids

To involve the kids, you can prepare unusual landscaping ideas. You can make flower beds in the form of slides. Even beautiful rock gardens or springs can be made in the garden. Around these you can help your child to grow flowers like marigolds, zinnias and pansies.

Introduce the beauty of indoor gardening

Gardening out might not always be feasible or interesting for the kids. Try to show them certain glances of the indoor gardening as well. The hanging planters carrying lettuce and cherry tomatoes can be of great delight for the kids. Even the plants like Jade plant and Rubber plant are very easy to maintain. Hence, very soon the children can also become great friends with these indoor plants.

Introduce the beauty of indoor gardening


Gardening soothes and refreshes the mind a great deal. Making children understand the importance of greenery via gardening is very important. The younger, the better. It is always a delight when children feel satisfied after having visualized the grand end results. Try to make gardening as interesting and a creative as possible. Apart from being aware of the environment, the children also learn about patience and perseverance through gardening. Hence, hopefully through these amazing tips, even you would be able to engage your kids in gardening.