How To Make Use Of Green Houses To Escape The Weather Irregularities?

Published Categorized as Farming

The increasing population all over the world, constantly puts excess pressure on the farmers to raise crops all round the year. With the need to grow more crops, the farmers are currently making use of green houses to raise crops even in the winters. Before going into the nuances of farming with the help of green houses, one should be made well aware of what re green houses exactly. The green houses are dome shaped properly protected spaces.

They can either be some well covered buildings or structures that look like bent up tents. Recently, with the increasing climatic change, the stability of the agricultural sector has been hindered by a great deal. Likewise, if we see the crop failures in India. These major crop failures always occur due to some or the other natural calamities. To reduce or to escape such destructive forces of nature, the green houses are of great help. These green houses have helped the farmers to grow a wide range of crops like from tomato to tobacco and from cotton to pumpkin.

Green Houses To Escape The Weather Irregularities

All the more, the farmers have also been able to grow various summer crops in the later winter and vice vera owing to the great benefit of the green houses. The green houses are also vastly used to raise various flowers primarily the ones which are used as cutting gardens like the gerbera, lilies, and roses. Here in, with the greatest detail, we have brought to you the varied benefits that the green houses provide to the farmers with respect to the weather abnormalities.

How to overcome the weather related issues by making use green houses ?

1 ) To regulate the temperature and make it suitable for the growth of the respective crops

The green houses are made of thick glasses . It is because of these glasses that even in the winter , the farmers are able to grow great crops by focussing the sun rays to the crops. All the more , in the summer when the temperatures shoot very high, the cloth like blend is used to cover the green houses . This external cover helps to keep the temperature within the green houses way lower as compared to the outer temperature . The mechanism of green houses are so great that it has helped the farmers to grow all crops at any given point of the year . Since , the crops can be grown all year , so the rate of crop production has also increased a great deal .

2 ) To keep away excess moisture from the plants

Irrespective of any particular plant, it is needless to mention that all plants need water. There is a limit within which the plants need water. If excess water gets accumulated at the roots of the plants owing to heavy rain, then the roots of the plants can be rotten away very easily. Likewise, with the usage of green houses, the plants are shielded from the excess of water. Moreover, the rains do not simply involve heavy downpour but also involves thunder and dangerous streaks of lightning .

So, the green house are a great help in protecting the plants from the thunder and the lightning strikes. Many a times, had there been no shield like the green houses, then the plants could have been easily twisted off from the roots. Hence, green houses is a vital saviour in such trying times of the weather abnormalities.

3 ) Green house reduces the dampness around the plants

Many plants get affected by fungus and by various diseases like the head scab owing to the collected dampness in its vicinity. By using the green houses, even when the weather is extremely humid and damp, even then the plants inside the green houses can be kept dry. Even the growth of weeds around the plants can be cut off too by the construction of green houses.


The agricultural sector has been advanced a great deal. The green houses are being made available to most of the farmers. However , the green houses are a bit costly. To keep up with the exceeding costs, the farmers are using cheaper glasses. Hopefully, in the coming years, with better governmental schemes and policies, the farmers will be able to grow more crops even amidst the weather related issues by the use of green houses.