Learn The Top 6 Amazing Secrets For Growing Potted Plants

Published Categorized as Garden

Nowadays, planting trees in pots and in various containers has grown very common. However, not all plants grow equally well even though the same seedlings are used. Well, why do you think such a difference occurs? The secret lies in the art of culturing the potted plants. Herein, we will bring forth the amazing secrets to grow potted trees. The most important part of potted plant gardening is to look after the plants regularly. The plants being small and being grown in restricted areas, need constant care.

Keep watering them everyday and provide them with adequate light as one requires. The plants with the following secrets will soon bloom into beautiful and healthy plants.

Growing Potted Plants

The top 6 amazing potted plant secrets

Regular watering and pot water-feeders

Plants when grown in pots do not have ample soil underneath. With lesser soil carrying capacity of the pots, the soil also is not able to retain much water. Hence, the need to water the plants regularly arises. Some potted plants might not require everyday watering like the succulents or say the rubber plants or the Areca palms. Remember to never flood the pots, since the accumulation of water will lead to rotten roots. All the more, at times due to very strained schedules, people might not be able to water them regularly. What can be the possible alternative then?

Regular watering and pot water-feeders

Well, you can use water feeders for the potted plants. These can be easily made at home by inserting one narrow bottle inside the other. Then, filling the inner one with water. The slow dripping of water just near the roots will neither dry out the roots nor will it overwater them. Simply moisten the plants, never try to soak it.

Place the pots by at proper distances

While deciding upon gardening with potted plants, never arrange them in clusters. The plants in pots remain space to elongate their branches. However, there are some plants can be grown together. Likewise, if you are planting herbs, you can grow two different herbs in one pot. You can also grow basil and lettuce in the same planter. Plants like pumpkin and tomatoes need more space to grow as they are creepers. All the more, flowers like hydrangeas and roses, ought to placed at least at one to three feet away owing to their shrub like texture.

Shift the pots according to the Sun

The potted plants need constant sunlight. There will exceptions for some plants. In general, the plants that love basking in the sun, can be left outdoors for five to eight hours. Flowers growing on succulents like Crown of Thorns and Moon cactus love to seep in sunlight for long hours. Some plants like roses and jasmines, love to stay in the sun only for four to six hours. Apart from these plants, there are certain shade loving plants as well. Be it the beautiful marigolds or the colourful lilies, they prefer long shady hours rather than sunny spots.

While keeping the plants in the sun, remember to move them into the shade after the stipulated hours. Excess heat will wilt the leaves and will dry out the plants.

Keep in mind the size of the pots

The pots in which the respective plants ought to be grown should be of apt sizes. Likewise, plants with shallow roots can be grown in shallow and broad pots. Plants like spider plants or ZZ plants can be grown in pots of medium sizes and which also have a certain depth. Plants with long and strong roots ought to be planted in broad and deeper pots.

Keep in mind the size of the pots

Place the pots on elevated positions

The pots should always be placed in a raised platform. Raised platforms necessarily does not mean above high staircases etc. It simply means that the bottom of potted plants should be placed on some parallel high materials that can keep it aloof from the base platform. This will help in proper air flow between the base of the pot and the platform on which it is rested upon. All the more, always keep a tiny hole for aeration at the bottom of the pot.

Fertilize the plants regularly

The potted plants need constant helping of compost. You can use kitchen waste mixed with tea and coffee leftovers as compost. You can add crushed eggshells as well. You can also use liquid or spray fertilizers for better growth. Remember, there should not be overuse of fertilizers.

Fertilize the plants regularly


With potted plants, greenery can be spread to every corner of the house. For growing plants, it is not at all necessary to purchase pots from the market. Even old containers can do the thing. Hopefully, these easy tips and secrets will help you to grow fabulous potted plants.