6 Easy To Grow Perennials For Small Gardens

Published Categorized as Garden

A garden however small is always a source of happiness. The sight of self-produced vegetables, the smell of fresh flowers is always very welcome. With the fast changing world, we have also become like robots, continuously trying to update ourselves. So, these days maintaining and growing our own garden has become difficult. Along with time constraint, we all have to face off space constraint too. So, if we could have perennial plants that can grow and bloom all season long, that would be a perfect solution. So, through this article we present easy to grow perennials for small gardens.

Easy To Grow Perennials For Small Gardens

Here are ideas of easy to grow perennials for small gardens

If you have time constraint and yet wish to have a beautiful garden, perennial plants are your option. Perennials bloom through out the year and even in next year if taken acre of properly. Other than time as space is a major concern too, choosing plants that do not outgrow their space is very important.

Blazing star is a must have plant if you are looking to grow perennials for small gardens

Blazing star is the beautiful plant that decorates your garden with spikes of pink, purple or white flowers. This plant usually grows to a height of 4ft, so it is ideal for your small gardens. You can easily grow Blazing star plant in moist, properly drained and organically rich soil. A major benefit of having Blazing star in your garden is that it attracts pollinators. So not only does this plant grow easily but also supports other plants. This plant has a linear arrangement and grows vertically up. So, you can easily grow this plant in a vase. So, Blazing star is one of the easiest ideas if you are looking to grow perennials for small gardens.

Roses are the most sought-after plant if you wish to grow perennials for small gardens

Imagine, how happy you will feel if you could see beautiful roses every day. Well, to make you happy every day, you can have your own perennial rose plant. These days with the advancement of technology, we have variety of roses which makes it less fussy and low maintenance. Roses can be grown in “Flower Carpet” series. This flower carpet series grows to up to usually 2-3 ft height. You can usually grow roses as hedges or borders to decorate your landscape. Roses usually perform better with 6-8 hours of sunlight in loamy soil. So, if looking to grow perennials for small gardens, roses are your go to option.

Black-eyed Susan is easy to grow perennial for small gardens

A native wildflower, with bright color is sure to lighten your mood daily. Black-eyed Susan comes in a variety of colors. This plant can self-sow so it grows easily. This plant grows to a height approximately three feet. So, you can easily grow them in small garden spaces. You can place this plant in the middle of your flower bed. This will brighten your garden and make it more vibrant with its colors. So, Black-eyed Susan will be a wonderful perennial for small gardens.

Oakleaf Hydrangea is a four-season plant for small gardens

Oakleaf Hydrangea is a serrated leaf plant, which will add freshness to your garden. This plant even bears white flowers in summer, which gradually fades into pink followed by an eye soothing beige. So, this plant will not only add freshness to your plant but will make it colorful too. This plant grows best in sunny area, but should be moved to shade in case of excess heat. This plant grows to a height of 4ft, thus making it suitable for small gardens. So, if you are looking for freshness and ideas to grow perennial for small gardens, you should opt for Oakleaf Hydrangea.

Oakleaf Hydrangea is a four-season plant for small gardens

Coral bells is a colorful perennial for small gardens

If you are looking for perennials which add a colorful, diverse feel to your garden, then coral bells will surely make you happy. The evergreen foliage comes in variety of colors, so you can choose the color you wish to have for your garden. This plant grows to a height of 12-18 inches high, so you can easily accommodate the plant in your small garden. This perennial plant with its colorful leaves will surely brighten up your garden.

Kousa Dogwood is surely easy to grow perennial for small gardens

Kousa Dogwood is a perennial plant and is available very commonly. This plant bears creamy white flowers or light pink flowers with the onset of spring and continues till late summers. Post the flowers, it bears berry like fruits. These fruits are edible and thus attract pollinators. The leaves are also very attractive in this plant. The leaves turn from vibrant green to red and purple in fall. So if you are looking for easy to grow perennial for small gardens, you should opt for Kousa Dogwood.