To Grow A Money Tree: Follow These Simple 5 Ways

Published Categorized as Garden

Money trees as the name suggests is a wonderful investment. These trees can be grown outdoors and indoors as well. As the name suggests, the tree grows no money. Now, there is an age-old belief attached to it. The one who earnestly takes care of the growing money plant will become rich and happy. Hence, lovingly called the Good luck tree. When grown underneath the sun, these trees to attain great heights since they are tropical trees. When grown indoors, they hardly grow up to six feet.

Grow A Money Tree

The trees have very wonderful twisted trunks. They seem to look like subtle thin woody braids. Some researchers have found out that the twisted trunk is not a natural phenomenon. The leaves range from shiny light green to darkened green. These plants can also be grown in pots but not in hanging planters. Money trees tend to be a bit heavier as compared to the other ornamental plants.

Follow these 5 simple ways to grow a money tree

Growing the money tree in the open

If you have decided to grow the money tree outside, then keep aside a very large area. The garden place should not receive extreme sunlight. The excess heat will destroy the tender leaves and wilt them. The plant needs slant sunshine and regular watering. Do not grow this plant in a windy area or with low humidity. The soil needs to have proper drainage facility. The soil can be pebble like as well. When planted outdoors, the tree requires too much watering as compared to when planted indoors. While growing this plant, remember to keep in note, the winter temperatures as well. The plant being a tropical kind from South American swamps, cannot resist very cold temperatures. The winter temperature should in no way be allowed to dip below forty-five to fifty-two degrees.

Growing the money tree in the open

When the tree grows big and bushy, then it can bear orangish fruits. It also grows reddish flowers.

Grow the money tree indoors

The money tree is equally worthwhile when planted indoors. The pots or the planters need to be sturdy. The roots of these money trees are very sturdy. Hence, they can easily crack the fragile pots. The money tree can be grown in deep humus seeped soil. The soil ought to be well-drained and properly aerated. In the growth years, from the seed to the sapling, it needs constant fertilising. This tree can be planted in the March to April. Up to eight to nine months of the initial period, the sapling requires constant care. Do not water heavily or use fertilizers in the winters. This would lead to soggy roots and weakened braided trunk.

Grow the tree in the bathroom

Yes! The money tree is an absolute bliss on the bathroom cabinets. This tree demands high humidity. Hence, can thrive very well in the bathroom space. The scanty warmth and the indirect sunlight are also very helpful to grow these plants in your “thinking zones’. Do not allow too much water seepage. This will easily rot the tree and the tree in a couple of weeks will wither away. All the more, the excess watering can also make the plant harbour many insects. Pests and insects like Aphids and Mealybugs are very common on these money trees. In the bathroom, grow these plants on wooden or plastic broad planters.

The ways to take great care of your money tree

Money tree usually requires no extra effort from its fellow gardeners. However, to further ensure about the growth of the plant, try these tips. Keep changing the local arrangement of the plant often to let an overall growth of the leaves. At times, when you see that the tree is not receiving even the minimum sunlight, then place it under a fluorescent lamp.

The ways to take great care of your money tree

If the leaves of the money tree droop and turns pale yellow, then it ought to be placed under more light. However, if you see the plant bearing brown leaves, then remove it from its present location. Then locate it to a place of little slant light.


With the variety of plants all around, it might seem difficult to choose. However, this money tree is a real good investment. This tree though ornamental stays for years, adding beauty and exuberance. The money tree does not have a costly maintenance. What an irony! The beautiful lush green glossy leaves with beautiful trunk can easily beautify and purify your place. From purifying your indoor air to bear brownish orange fruits, this tree is wholesome and awesome. We are sure that these amazing tips will help you to grow a money tree without spending much money. We are waiting to hear about your endeavours, do let us know.  Happy money tree planting!