7 Essential Tools For First Time Gardeners

Published Categorized as Garden

Are you starting to make your own garden, well if yes you surely need the right tools. The essential tools will not only make your task easier, but will ensure your safety and make gardening an enjoyable experience. When buying gardening equipment, it is easy to go overboard. They can take up a lot of space and cost a lot of money, but you can keep your shed or storage area from being overcrowded by remaining focused on the basics.

It’s always bigger and better, but it can go a long way to get the most out of your investment by purchasing the best quality resources that your budget would afford, and maintaining them.

Essential Tools For First Time Gardeners

List of essential tools for every beginner gardener needs..

1. Gloves

In any work your safety comes first. Gardening surely offers pleasant, fresh end result, but to reach the blooming stage you have to go through thorns and splinters. So, a good pair of gloves is the first tool that you need to purchase before you jump into gardening.

Selecting the right pair of gloves-

  • Your pair of gloves should be durable, to be in the long run with you in your gardening journey.
  • Besides being durable, the gloves shouldn’t be too bulky. If your gloves are too bulky, they will make fragile tasks difficult.
  • The fabric of your gloves should be soft and also water-proof. They must be comfortable to wear and work.
  • Your gloves should fit you perfectly. Do ensure you have long cuffs to tightly close around your wrist. This will prevent any dust or dirt from entering while you work.

2. Pruning Shears

Pruning shears are the perfect tool for first time gardeners. They can easily be used to prune or harvest delicate plants, such as herbs, as well as to cut light branches.

Selecting pruning shears-

  • Depending upon the type of your plants, select your shears. For example, if you have dead wood you will need anvil pruners and incase you have live plants you need to opt for bypass pruners.
  • While selecting pruning shears, see that they fit properly in your hand.

3. Hori Hori Garden Knife

Hori hori garden knife is a Japanese tool. It is a must have tool for all first-time gardeners. You need to use this tool to dig holes for planting. This tool is specifically helpful, when you are planting seeds. The blade of this tool helps you calculate the depth of the hole and dig accordingly. For transplantation, the shape of the blade is also suitable as it can quickly slip into the pot to get the seedling out.

Hori Hori Garden Knife

A hori hori garden knife can also help in loosening soil, thus becoming one of the most important must have tool for first time gardeners. A belt holder comes with several versions, which makes sense because gardeners find themselves reaching again and again for this product.

4. Garden Fork

A garden fork with slitted end helps in digging and turning soil better on a large scale. Forks with a slight spine curve are useful, for scooping or turning compost piles. Straight tines are better for digging; good for soil that is compacted, rough, or clay. Square tines, when they strike a rock or root, are stronger than flat tines that can bend.

Garden Fork

5. Round head Shovel

There are many shovels and spaces available in various styles and sizes, but you can get the most bang for your buck with a good quality round head shovel and take care of most digging tasks. To split dirt apart, dig bigger pits, and transplant soil, use a shovel. It can easily take the place of a spade.

6. Gardening Hose

The most important factor for a healthy, refreshing, productive garden is the availability of water. It is very important that your plants get their required amount of water. To help you water your plants, it is very important to have the right size gardening tool in your tool set. There are basically three standard hose sizes available – 1⁄2-inch (avg 9 gal per minute), 5/8-inch (avg 15 gal per minute), and 3⁄4-inch (up to 25 gal per minute).

Gardening Hose

You need to get an adjustable nozzle to have better control over the water pressure. Also do checkout the length of hose required to cover your garden area before buying one.

7. Wheelbarrow

In case you have a grainy garden, a wheelbarrow is a must have in your first-time gardener’s tool kit. You can opt for either double handle or single handle wheelbarrow as per your convenience.


Starting a garden is surely exciting and can be overwhelming too. You need to figure out what to grow, when to grow and how to grow. To make your life easy, these essential tools are a must have for you as a first-time gardener.