6 Easy Steps To Grow A Cactus

Grow A Cactus

Cactus is one of the most striking wonders of the vast plant world. They are low maintenance plants with unique looks. They stand out in the harsh desert weather yet never fails to mesmerize their viewers. Did you ever imagine, how beautiful it will be to grow a cactus in your home? Well, if you wish to decorate your house with succulents then here we are for you. We will help you with easy steps to grow and maintain cactus at your home.

Grow A Cactus

Easy steps to grow cactus

Cacti are wonderful plant. They are very are probably toughest of the plant world. They don’t require much maintenance or care. Just the little bit of maintenance can do wonders.

Favourable environment to grow a cactus

  • Light – Cactus requires strong light to grow and flourish. Most cacti can even withstand snowy weather. So, when selecting the cactus for your house, do check the type of environment required to sustain them.
  • Temperature – Most cactus requires warm environment, though some can stand snowy weather too. It is observed that most cactus requires long hot season of at least 6 months with around more than 70-degree Fahrenheit temperature. So, choose your cactus according to the favorable temperature.
  • Soil – Cactus grows well in well-drained soil. So, to grow your cactus, you need to purchase cactus specific potting mix. If you don’t have specific potting mix available, you may process your normal potting mix. To use your normal potting mix, you have to add soil in the ratio 1:4 to make it thinner.

Favourable environment to grow a cactus

Step 1: Potting the seeds

Fill your desired pot with the cactus specific potting mix or prepare the same as mentioned earlier. The mix should have easily draining compost along with moist soil with gritty nature. Post you have the seeding soil ready, smoothen out the surface. Then just spread the seed on the mix. Do remember not to bury the seeds deep into the mixture.

Step 2: Growing the seeds

To provide the seeds with the needed growing medium, spray vermiculite on the surface. Vermiculite helps in improving aeration, moisture retention and also proper release of fertilizers. Once you have sprayed and covered the surface of your pot with vermiculite, cover the surface with plastic bag. Covering the pot with plastic bag helps in maintaining moisture. After preparing the pot keep it in a warm place with adequate sunlight.

Step 3: Seedlings

After 2 to 3 weeks of potting the seeds, you can see seedlings growing. You need to then remove the plastic bag cover and hydrate the seedlings. Do remember not to over water the pot. Wait for the surface to become dry and then only water the pot.

Step 4: Seedling transplant

Within the next few months, your seedlings will be ready. So, use a fork or proper spoon to remove each cacti from the pot. Be careful while removing the cacti. Do ensure proper care while removing them and also be careful about the spikes.

Step 5: Planting the seedlings

Keep your pot ready to plant your cactus from before. Use proper potting mix to prepare the pot. Once your pot is ready, gently plant your cactus seedling into the pot. Ensure the seedling is properly placed and not tilted to any side.

Step 6: Final potting

After you have potted the plant, spread compost and water the pot properly. The pot should be kept at a place with proper sunlight.

Grow a cactus outdoors

Planting a cactus in pot and planting a cactus outdoors is different. Before planting the cactus outdoor you need to ensure proper growing environment for the cactus. Outdoor soil should be ready for your cactus. Ensure that the soil has proper aeration and moisture retention capacity. When the soil is ready, you need to dig a hole. The size of the hole should be double of the size of the present pot the cactus is in. The depth should be half of it. With your planting hole ready, plant your cactus. Do remember to follow the instructions if any provided with your plant. You will have to wait around 3 weeks before you can water your plant. This lets the roots grow and helps your cactus adjust to its new environment.

Grow a cactus outdoors

Taking care of your cactus

Taking acre of cactus is not very difficult. You just need to ensure it gets adequate amount of sunlight and is hydrated only when required. Cactus usually grows its most during spring and summer season. So, ensure it is well hydrated the. You may want to water your outdoor cactus twice a week and once a week your indoor cactus. Remember over watering is a major reason that spoils your cactus. With the little yet right amount of care, your cactus will make your garden beautiful.