To Decorate The Garden: 8 Amazing Tips To Use

Published Categorized as Garden

Gardens can be a hobby for some, or a backyard decoration or an area of free hangout with family and friends. Having a garden in itself is heavenly bliss. The beauty further adds on, when you decide to decorate your lovely tinge of greenery. While decorating the garden, do remember to nourish the garden through the beautification.

Decorate The Garden

From lanterns to fountains, and from dome-shaped entrances to garden ponds, decorations can be very different. The decoration in your garden should also make room for enjoyment and family time. Are you still waiting for the perfect decoration idea? Well, then we have a pool of good news for you. Herein, we have clubbed 8 amazing tips to beautify your garden.

1. Vertical gardening

Being introduced to the modern 21st century, it is advisable to use it in gardening as well. Pertaining to the modernity in decoration, you can opt for vertical gardening. Likewise, we can stack bamboo in varied sizes. Then, you can let flowery creepers to grow up these bamboo stacks. You can even grow pumpkin creepers with the yellow pumpkin flowers further beautifying the garden. The bamboo piles can also be alternately coloured. If you melt at the sight of cute pandas, you can also attach cut outs on the stacks.

Vertical gardening

2. Follow the fragrance

Yes, to decorate your garden place, you can grow colourful fragrant flowers. Likewise, the white Peony or the deep violet Lavender has the potential to provide a heavenly bliss. Even the multicoloured Primrose or the versatile Dianthus are a treat for both the eyes and the nose. A tiny extra tip for you. The beautiful lavender helps in releasing your stress also.

Follow the fragrance

3. Welcome Hydrangea to your garden

If you arrange for flower pots aligning the steps to your garden, you can grow various coloured hydrangea. Hydrangea not only helps in increasing the beauty of the place but also help to make the soil very healthy. These flowers can also be grown in the pots which can be hung from the windows or beside the garden ponds. With hydrangea, you can also grow contrasting bougainvillaea while growing them in the window baskets.

Welcome Hydrangea to your garden

4. Attract the butterflies

How lovely will it be to have plenty of butterfly friends in your garden? Well then, it is very simple to invite the butterflies. All you need is a butterfly feeder and ample food for the butterflies. This can be created just by simply using the old crockery or used glass jars. You can paint them or can wrap them in glossy sheets. Do remember to leave pockets to create windows. Use tiny shimmering lights to further light up the butterfly feeder. Remember to place an ample number of fragrant and colourful flowers in and around the butterfly feeder.

Attract the butterflies

5. Set up a swing

Your patch of garden in no time will gorgeous with the addition of a swing. Now, to go with the garden vibes, you can choose a bird nest-like meshy swing. You can stuff the swing with fluffy floral pillows. The outer covering of the swing can be used to grow ipomoeas or bleeding red vine heart creepers or scarlet red nasturtium. The swing will look gorgeous if placed underneath a well-lit shade.

Set up a swing

6. Garden fountains

Traditionally, you can create a fountain at the heart of your garden and decorate the surrounding by potted plants. You can also create a curtain or screen like fountains. These are absolutely new in this era with the whole new elegance and charm. The base of the fountain can be decorated with broken terracotta pieces.

Garden fountains

7. Old is gold

Collect the trash in your house like unused tins or wagons or wheelbarrows or rusted cycles. Wipe them clean and get them painted. These pieces of trash can be used as models to carry your flower or herb baskets. You can get them parked near some hedges or even near your personalized garden pond.

8. Decoration with rubber tyres

This sounds odd. Is not it? Well, then you must see tyres are not items that can be disposed of so easily. So, it is always advised to be reused. You can soak the rubber tyre in deep mono colour. After getting it dried, cut open the lower inner part. Finally, use the cut part to grow tender herbs like basil. Remember to hang the tyre on a tree branch to attract more visitors.

Decoration with rubber tyres


Garden indeed makes the home feel cosier and more beautiful. To increase the aesthetic beauty of your garden, the listed decorative ideas will help you surely. The butterfly feeder will naturally attract more butterflies to spread more blooms. Thereby, to decorate the garden, these are indeed very handy decorations.