Category: Garden

  • 4 Exciting Benefits Of Widespread Organic Farming

    4 Exciting Benefits Of Widespread Organic Farming

    In today’s world, we hear a lot of complaints regarding different illness caused post consumption of farm products. Before we understand the benefits of widespread organic farming, we need to know why we need organic farming. In most such complaints, it has been observed that these illnesses are caused due to the different chemical pesticides…

  • Understanding the concept of Soil pH and its importance

    Understanding the concept of Soil pH and its importance

    The most important thing about maintaining a garden and its beautiful plants is to take care proper care of the soil. Yes! Soil is the most crucial factor is determining the production of the plants and its respective edible parts. The soil should be very fertile and no pebbles of any kind should be ingrained…

  • 3 Most Important Tips On Pruning A Rose Of Sharon

    3 Most Important Tips On Pruning A Rose Of Sharon

    A Rose of Sharon though sounds like a rose but it is not. Sorry to prick the bubble! Well, this is basically a hibiscus with a long and visible stalk. This type of hibiscus is extremely resistant to diseases and to the climate change. They come in various colours from yellow to blue. Usually, you…

  • 4 Easy, Effective Yet Organic Weed Control Tips For Gardeners

    4 Easy, Effective Yet Organic Weed Control Tips For Gardeners

    All you gardeners out there care for your garden like your own child. We, gardeners, try to do everything to protect our garden. We spend so much time to take care of every thing in our garden, so that we have a fresh, blooming evergreen garden. During this process of taking care of our garden,…

  • The 4 Wonderful Landscape Borders Ideas To Separate Your Garden Areas

    The 4 Wonderful Landscape Borders Ideas To Separate Your Garden Areas

    When you have a large garden with a variety of flowers and veggies, then it is great to erect landscape borders. They help in dissecting the entire garden in to variety of sections; like the herb garden or the salad garden etc. These landscape borders are very effective when the garden needs regular mowing or…

  • 4 Most Beautiful Purple Perennial Flowers For Big And Small Gardens

    4 Most Beautiful Purple Perennial Flowers For Big And Small Gardens

    Drawing more colours into the garden is always very delighting. One of the most soothing colours to the eyes is purple. Over the years, varied types of purple perennials have been cultured and are grown nowadays in both the large and the small gardens. Some gardeners are also of the view that the purple perennials…

  • 6 Easy To Grow Container Plants For Full Sun

    6 Easy To Grow Container Plants For Full Sun

    We all are very familiar with large flower beds all across the garden. However, nowadays, there are flowering plants that can be grown in containers too. Moreover, these flowers can be grown in the full sun as well. You can easily grow flowers like marigolds, hibiscus, supertunia petunia, calibrachoa, aster, scaevola and many more. The…

  • The 4 Most Amazing Variety Of Vegetables For A Trellis

    The 4 Most Amazing Variety Of Vegetables For A Trellis

    With the shortening of space, we have often reconsidered our ideas of growing vegetables in a fine vertical manner. Growing vegetables in the vertical gardening via the method of trellis usage is very beneficial. They help in producing a hefty set of vegetables in the minimal space provided. They also help in reducing the soil…

  • 5 Easy And Effective Tips To Harvest Lemongrass For Recipes And Herbal Tea

    5 Easy And Effective Tips To Harvest Lemongrass For Recipes And Herbal Tea

    A soothing cup of tea, with a pinch of lemon grass does lighten up and makes our mood better. Imagine having fresh, lemony aroma in your own garden. Yes, you can easily harvest lemongrass for recipes and herbal tea. Lemongrass not only adds an exotic flavor to your meals and tea, but also is very…

  • 5 Beautiful Flowering Plants For Your Home Garden

    5 Beautiful Flowering Plants For Your Home Garden

    In the current times, we are all running and hardly have any time to sit back and relax. If during this time, we could have our own personal home garden then that would surely make our day better. Imagine having a colorful, vibrant garden greeting you each day, the imagination itself makes us feel better.…