To Build An Intensive Garden Bed: Follow These 4 Amazing Ways

Build An Intensive Garden Bed

Growing a garden at multiple levels, always look delighting and attractive. You can easily try out varied ways of raised garden beds. With the trend of intensive garden beds ruling over, having one in your landscape will surely add more to the prevailing grandeur. The intensive garden beds do not need any extra care or for that matter is not costly as well. The same schedule you had for your previous garden remains the same even for this one. The subtle difference stands out at the changed looks in the latter one. The latter one proves to be more orderly.

Build An Intensive Garden Bed

The intensive garden beds are a great relief to those landscapes which have very limited space. With this measure of gardening, you can easily grow plants in large quantities in the same old fixed tiny space. Here in, with proper care, we have penned down the varied ways by which you can grow an intensive garden bed.

Top 4 best ways to build an intensive garden bed

Build a chess board like garden bed

The most important step for building an intensive garden bed is to lay the perfect soil. The soil ought to be well-watered and should aerated accordingly. Add organic manure to enhance the fertility of the soil. organic manure can be brewed easily at home by adding the leftovers of the kitchen and egg shells. You can also use the various types of Nitrogen and potash fertilizers to get an instant result in the fertility of the soil. Having prepared the soil, the next task is to lay the garden bed. The bed ought to be laid out in a chess board fashion or in a grid fashion. This will help to allow individual spaces to the plants even in a collective type of an environment. Use strings or sticks to create the perfect boxes on the ground.

Build a chess board like garden bed

Choose plants with care

While selecting which all plants you wish to grow, you should be extremely picky and economical. It is always better not to grow ornamental plants or plants that as such do not bring an extra advantage to the garden. Moreover, the herbs are although very good edible plants but cannot be grown in major chunks. Hence not a great plant for such kind of garden beds. Perhaps, the best plants that can be grown on these beds are cherry tomatoes, lettuce, Cabbages, eggplants and pumpkins. The creeper plants grow well in these beds like the bitter gourds, pumpkins, snake gourds and gourd. All the more, while growing these creepers, you can also add some chilli and asparagus plants.

Apart from the edible plants, certain gardeners also love to grow huge garden beds of flowers. Roses, jasmines and gerbera are very common plants for such plantations. In addition to these, in accordance with the climate, you can also grow primroses and sunflowers.

Plant the seeds or the bulbs with care

The seeds and the bulbs should be placed into the soil in a depth of a couple of inches only. Too deep planting might be hard for the tender seedlings to come up to the soil surface. The bulbs should be placed such that the soil surface reaches just above the root area.

Plant the seeds or the bulbs with care

Irrigate the beds regularly

The final yet an important step to preparing an intensive garden bed is to thoroughly water the garden beds. The garden beds since they remain bare underneath the sun, hence run the risk of getting dried out easily. The beds ought to be watered even according to the plants that you grow. Plants like roses can remain definitely steady with a watering schedule twice a week. The creepers might demand for more water as compared to the other plants growing on the garden beds. Finally, do remember, not to flood the garden beds.


Gardens have always fascinated us. Addition of better techniques and implementation of newer garden beds further accentuates the beauty. The intensive garden beds ironically do not require any rigorous and intense work. It is an absolutely an easy and a plain task. With the modern streaks at hand, you can also buy large flat trays and fill them with soil. Carrying them to the terrace or the roof top can help to grow intensive garden beds there as well. These beauties are very much in vogue not only due to being attractive but also being easy and effective. These intensive garden beds help to maximize production. Even with the restricted spaces, the production will although not be restricted. At times, intensive garden beds if used to grow edible plants then can easily provide proper regular ingredients for your kitchen. Hopefully, these given amazing ways will assist you in growing these beds with no issues.