To Attract Birds And Pollinators To Your Garden: Follow These 4 Simple Ways

Published Categorized as Garden

Can your garden be kept happy only with water and manure? No. Absolutely not. Every garden need visitor. Visitors might range from bees to birds and pollinators. The garden will overflow with beauty and chirpings, when the visitors. Pertaining to the arrival of the visitors, some come naturally while some need invitations.

Attract Birds And Pollinators To Your Garden

On the other hand, some visitors might need some really attractive food to feed upon. All the more, not all the visitors fit in the same criteria. Well, to further understand the nuances of the aspect of birds and other pollinators, let us read through the following blog in detail.

1. Make a list of pollinating plants

When you lay out your garden, do it in a very scientific manner. Let there be plants which bear richly coloured flowers. Let there be native plants as well. While planting these native plants, remember to plant a wide variety of annuals and perennials. Remember that some pollinators like the caterpillars also happen to eat away the leaves.

Make a list of pollinating plants

If specifically, we speak for butterflies, then they are easily attracted by richly coloured big flowers. The flowers should also have a strong fragrance. To name a few important flowers that can be grown to attract butterflies are Lantana, Heliotrope, Floss flower, Gladioli and Allium.  Butterflies which happen to come only for nectar, also help in the process of pollination. Even the varied coloured Tulip also easily attracts butterflies. Pipevine swallowtail butterfly for instance loves to feed on honeysuckle and Jewelweed. Great Spangled Fritillary butterfly gets attracted by Zinnia, Daisies and Lantana very smoothly.

2. Best pollinators

The major chunk of pollination is done by the bees, followed by the butterflies and birds. Among the pollinating birds, hummingbirds and white wing birds rank at the very top. Hummingbirds tend to pollinate which have crimson-based hues or which are tubular in shape, like the tulips. In case of the bees, the native or the wild bees tend to exercise the maximum pollination. Other than the wild bees, varied areas also witness pollination by the bumble bees. Even the managed bees also help in pollination.

Best pollinators

Apart from the birds and bees, the various butterflies and moths also form a commendable participator in pollination. In the native regions, bats and wasps to some extend act as great pollinators.

3. Butterfly feeders

Butterfly feeders are very efficient ways to attract butterflies. The things which are needed to raise a butterfly feeder is easily found. Likewise, you need shallow sets of crockery or some bowls and hang them to some low branches. You can also use inverted glass jars as butterfly feeders. To add on to the aesthetic beauty, you can add fresh ornamental flowers and butterfly cut outs.

Butterfly feeders

Remember to keep fresh water and food for the butterflies. Food can consist of any rotten food or fruits. Keep changing the water after every two days. With time you will see, butterflies will be entering into your garden with a greater number.

4. Necessary items in the garden to attract birds and pollinators

From blueberries to almonds and from Zinnia to hydrangea, all depend on the vast population of the pollinators. The prime element to attract the pollinators is to grow a variety of flowers. The flowers should be very fragrant. The edible items (fruits and veggies) should be very tempting with the rich colours. To invite the pollinators all throughout the year, you should grow plants that flower at different times and seasons. To attract bats as the prime pollinator, you can grow flowers of purple or white colour which emanates a rotten smell.

garden to attract birds and pollinators

The garden should also allow space for the pollinators to stay and rest. You can leave hollow barks to stay idle and leave the on the ground. You can make bee houses, bird houses or butterfly feeders to diligently affirm the visit of the pollinators. While growing the varied kinds of flower, remember to prepare flower beds. The pollinators are fascinated to see bunches of flowers or hedges. Try not to grow plants in any kind of isolation. All the more, grow plants of all sizes.


Garden looks definitely lovelier when it harbours butterflies, birds, caterpillars and bees. With the additional beauty, the increased bloom and activities in the garden, makes it even more enchanting. From bird houses to butterfly feeders, the modern gardens have varied ways to attract the pollinators. All the more, these varied methods of harbouring these pollinators have also increased their population. This is indeed a lovely news. Is not it? Well, then like all other gardens, even your garden must be waiting eagerly to make new friends. Hoping earnestly that very soon even your garden gets replete with birds and pollinators.