5 Tips As The Ultimate Guide For An Apartment Gardening

Published Categorized as Garden

In these years, you hardly will see an apartment without a wonderful balcony gardening. Some apartments also possess indoor gardening. Absolutely, when everybody is trying to include greenery everywhere, why should you step back? From potted plants to meshy ceiling garden pockets, you can design the indoor garden in a variety of ways. So, let us explore the fascinating guide to apartment gardening.

Apartment Gardening

Tips as the ultimate guide for an apartment gardening

Variety of Ornamental grass

The most beautiful piece of apartment gardening is lively grasses. Herein, we have listed 4 grass trend setters.

Variety of Ornamental grass

Orchard grass

Like all grass, orchard grass grows in bunches. However, the leaf blades are not sleek and narrow like the rest. It is thick and has numerous leaves on a single leaf blade. It can grow up to a height of three to six inches depending upon the indoor conditions. This grass is an absolute favourite of the pets.

Orchard grass

Bamboo thickets

Bamboos are wonderful grasses which consume no grand space. They take long to grow; hence time and cost maintenance is low. The bamboo can approximately grow up to say, eleven to fourteen inches. You can grow the most famous breed of this grass. The most commercialized name is Lucky Bamboo. Either in a couple form you can grow it or else in a tiered fashion. If you are looking for a bushy bamboo, you can go for Baby bamboo.

Blue Fescue grass

This grass as the name suggest is indeed blue. However, it also contains greyish and greenish tinge as well. the leaf blades are very thin but not fragile. They grow up to be like a bush. Some gardeners tend to also name it as the porcupine grass. This grass can absolutely become a centre table beauty. This can also be hung at the window sills.

Umbrella plant

Umbrella plant is a beautiful grass with long thin stems. The leaves are short and extremely thin, like a pin. These short-sharpened leaves open up like the umbrella and hence the name. These plants need a comparatively deeper and larger planters.

Umbrella plant

Hanging ornamental orchids

If you plan to introduce hanging planters, go for orchids. You can easily plant and grow colourful orchids. The boat orchid and the flat leaved Vanilla can be grown in combination. The best part of growing orchids is to make your house look even more colourful and lively. Some common orchids that can grown are Cymbidium orchid, Dendrobium orchid and Vanda orchid.

Hanging ornamental orchids

Hanging ornamental plants

Some hanging planters can be used to grow simple leafy ornamental plants as well. Likewise, Fishbone Cactus, French and English lavender are an enchanting bliss in the home. The money plants, money trees and ZZ plants can also easily form a part of your wonderful apartment gardening. While choosing the planters, be very alert. Choose light planters, usually made of fibre, clay, or plastic.

Hanging ornamental plants

Beautifying the corners of the Apartment

The corners of the apartment can have snake plants and peace lilies. Snake plants are not only good air purifiers but are also great textured indoor plant. The peace lilies bear white flowers and has soft broad leaves. These can make your hidden corners also very attractive. Even a Bonsai is a great indoor plant that can grow with less sunlight and watering.

Beautifying the corners of the Apartment

Plants to grow in the apartment’s balcony

Balcony is an integral part of the apartment. You can go for stair case like planter structures. In the balcony grow plants that can endure the heat. Likewise, the colourful Tulips, Lilies, Petunias and roses can be grown in the balcony area. If you have to decorate a tea table at the balcony, you can plant Silver nerve.

Plants to grow in the apartment’s balcony

From the railings of the balcony, you can also grow String of pearls, Bunny ear cactus and zinnias. While placing the planters, keep in mind not to clutter them or cramp them up. All the plants mentioned here need space to blossom. Water these plants regularly and remember not to place them under scorching heat.


The space at the apartments might be small, but not too small to not grow a plant. All the more, interior designers are also resorting to the green friends to beautify the place. With the wide range of plants, we can grow many indoor and outdoor plants. While growing these plants, remember not to heap them. You can grow ornamental plants like Ivy geranium, colourful bougainvillea, French lavender or San Pedro Cactus. If you plan to beautify your balcony space, do bring in hanging herb planters. You can also lay artificial grass at the balcony floor. Design the place accordingly. Let your apartment be beautiful with the greenery around. Hopefully, with these tips, your apartment will soon be a green heaven.