What Are The Important Techniques Involved In The Method Of Precision Agriculture?

Published Categorized as Farming

The farmers over the years are toiling day in and day out to grow enough crops for the population . However , it seems , that owing to increasing population, the crops are not enough for the entire nation . To prepare better crops and to make the most of the available resources , the farmers are introducing the nuances of precision farming to their fields . As the name suggests , the precision farming is a method of agriculture where in all the resources (be it the natural resources or the manual labour or the machinery) are put to maximum use to gain the most out of it .

While referring to precision farming, usually, people tend to confuse it with the aspects of organic farming. It is needless to mention that the organic farming too makes the most use of the available natural and eco – friendly resources. Over the years, it has been witnessed that the farmers make use of various agricultural equipment and techniques to make the precision farming even more advantageous. Likewise, with the age of advanced technology and services, the farmers are being equipped with digital platforms and with various applications by which they can easily conserve the quality of the crops and can easily survey the fields in general as well.

Precision Agriculture

Here in, with greater detail, we have listed a wide range of techniques which are being used by the farmers to implement precision farming.

Top 2 techniques of precision agriculture

1) Robotics are the most common and the most effective of all techniques utilised in precision farming

The robots in the fields are a great deal of help to the farmers. The farmers are relieved from various processes of agriculture like the planting of the seeds and also of the pruning processes . These help in the green houses as well by adding better seeds to the soil . Usually , the precision farming being used in the orchard yield high profits .

So, using the costly machines like robots in the planting and pruning the plants in there is more common than in the traditional farms . Most of the robots are automated and they do not need ang extra maintenance cost or maintenance labour . They can be easily handled by a single farmer. With the newer technologies setting in , these robots are being used by connecting them to the Global Navigation Satellite Systems ( GNSS ) . These have become extremely popular .

However, owing to the excess cost associated with these robots , they have not become very common . There are certain robots which can mechanised with remotes handled by the farmers . These are usually cheaper and yet very effective . Since , the fields that the farmers have to look after is really large , so the robots are also used with radio signals . These techniques related to robotics have not only eased the work pressure on the farms but have also increased the crop yield .

2) Weather Monitoring is yet again a prime technique in benefiting from the precision farming

Most of the crops do not fare well in India owing to the sudden natural calamities . The loss of crops are a serious issue in the lives of the farmers . There have been cases where in , due to the destructive natural phenomenon , the farmers had had to lose all his income for months together . The farmers should give utmost priority to weather monitoring to save all his crops from such sudden disasters .

The weather monitoring can be exercise by the farmers by keeping a thorough check on the daily weather reports . They should be properly equipped with various precautions of curbing the destructive effects of the weather as well . Apart from the extreme notions of weather , the farmers in general should be aware of the seasons in which the plants should be grown and consequently when to be harvested . All the more , by keeping in mind the rainy season, the farmers can cut down the cost incurred upon the irrigational facilities.

Most important of all , the farmers ought to be extremely careful while sowing the seeds of the cash crops as they are very expensive . By keeping a regular check on the weather , the farmers can easily lay out best and the most fertile soils as well to grow better crops . Moreover , with the methods of rain water harvesting , the farmers can implement various means to conserve the resources required in farming .