6 Easy To Grow Container Plants For Full Sun

Grow Container Plants For Full Sun

We all are very familiar with large flower beds all across the garden. However, nowadays, there are flowering plants that can be grown in containers too. Moreover, these flowers can be grown in the full sun as well. You can easily grow flowers like marigolds, hibiscus, supertunia petunia, calibrachoa, aster, scaevola and many more. The best deal which comes with growing flowers in the pots and in containers is that they do not grow too bushy.

Thereby, cutting down the regular maintenance sweat. All the more, by growing flowers in various sized containers, you also increase the mobility of the beauty. You can easily pick a container by the side of the garden fountain and can place it by the entrance. Since the flowers would be grown in the containers and in the sun, hence, you have to regularly water them. Regular watering will help in maintaining the constant bloom.

Grow Container Plants For Full Sun

Here in, we have brought to you a large variety of flowers and plants that can be easily grown and nurtured in the pots. They can be grown in the full sun as well.

The 6 best container plants that can be grown in full sun

Summer Snapdragon

The name of the flower itself reveals its love for sunshine. These plants can be grown in pots which are considerably broad. Some gardeners tend to grow these flowers in the window boxes so that they can absorb heat for most part of the day. They grow in lovely shades of violet, white and pink. They are slightly bushy with tall flowers. The colours are very attractive to butterflies and other pollinators. All in all, they do not need constant trimming; once a week is fine.

Summer Snapdragon

Diamond frost Euphorbia

One of the most beautiful flowers to grow in pots is this plant. They can be grown in the full sun and they keep producing tiny white flowers all throughout the year. They are bushy and might need trimming once in a while. You can align these flowers in tall pots near the benches. At times, these flowers can be grown in the partly shade as well. These plants need regular watering and also a share of organic manure once a week.

Diamond frost Euphorbia


With a variety of colours from yellow to orange, these flowers are great when the sunlight hits its peak in the winter. Marigolds can be easily grown in the pots. Use a good loamy soil which is properly drained. These flowers emanate a beautiful aroma as well. Marigolds grow hardly up to a height of 1 foot. They at times tend to be bushy. The vibrant colours and the aroma attract swarms of bees and butterflies very often. Some species of marigolds grow really large; perhaps up to the size of the palm. The flowers do not wither away easily and can stay up to a week or so. These flowers are also very tough and disease resistant plants.



If you wish to grow a plant that can bear the harsh sun rays yet produce variety of flowers, then without a doubt, this plant ought to be your perfect choice. They bear tiny flowers with various colour combinations. They need medium sized pots with a balanced potting mix. These plants happen to need regular watering sessions and liquid fertilizers once or twice a week. These flowers can be grown and allowed to decorate any part of the garden. Once a week pruning of these plants is also very important.



With tiny blue flowers, these bushy plants grow wonderfully well in the full sun. Scaevola with its evergreen beauty all year round attracts pollinators. These plants do not worry much by demanding regular pruning. They are also termed as fan flower. All the more, these plants can be grown all throughout the year. These look great too when grown in the window boxes.


Sunray Sunflower

It is needless to mention that sunflowers love to bask in the sun. However, unlike the usual varieties of sunflowers that happen to grow tall and bushy, these Sunray varieties are dwarf. They hardly grow up to a maximum height of 22 inches to 24 inches. They are great flowers that can be grown as stalk varieties. These can be easily grown by germinating the seeds. The Sunray sunflowers can be grown all throughout the year. Though they are bushy yet the amount of flowers might not be too high because the size of the flowers are very large – at least 3 inches to 4 inches in diameter.

Sunray Sunflower


The flowering plants in the containers at times can be combined with some herbs as well. Hopefully, with these variety of flowering plants, you can also try growing them in the containers in the full sun.