4 Most Beautiful Purple Perennial Flowers For Big And Small Gardens

Beautiful Purple Perennial Flowers

Drawing more colours into the garden is always very delighting. One of the most soothing colours to the eyes is purple. Over the years, varied types of purple perennials have been cultured and are grown nowadays in both the large and the small gardens. Some gardeners are also of the view that the purple perennials happen to make the garden a contemplative zone. You can grow a variety of purple perennial in the garden borders, around the garden fountain or even in the decks and porches.

Beautiful Purple Perennial Flowers

From deep purple to the lightest shade, the perennials look great when they unfurl in tiny petals or in bushy whorls. These perennials attract various kind of pollinators. All in all, at present, the purple perennial flowers have grown out to be a great temptation for the new gardeners. Here in, we have collected a variety of purple perennials to help you choose the best variety for your garden.

The 4 finest purple flowering plants for the big and the small gardens

German bearded Iris

This purple flowering perennial is a great piece of decoration for the garden borders. They are tall and are very easy to grow. These purple perennials happen to be deer resistant as well. The flowers are large and vibrant. This plant tends to grow up to a height of 2 feet go to 3 feet. These plants need steady watering during the initial days. While planting the rhizomes, remember not to push them too deep in the ground. If pushed too deep in the ground, the rhizomes tend to rot and spoil the growth of the plant. These perennials are perfect for the big gardens.

German bearded Iris


With a huge canopy of wonderful tiny flowers, phlox is a great purple flowering perennial in the garden. They grow well when the temperature is low and the soil is moist. This plant has flowers shaped like carefully cut crape papered flowers. The flowers do not occur individually rather occur in round luscious branches. They are extremely soothing to the eyes. These plants are a great treat to the variety of pollinators from the humming birds to the bumble bees. At the growing stage, these perennial needs constant feedings of organic manure and mulch. They are also known as flame blue. These plants need regular and proper pruning to facilitate more growth.



This plant with lovely purple flowers stands very different from the rest of the purple flowering perennials. The reason behind this uniqueness is that they happen to bloom in the autumn when all the other plants tend to shed their leaves and flowers. These plants are great perennials when grown in full sun. They need watering twice in two days. It is better not to grow these plants in the shade. Since, in the shade, the flowers do not grow straight and tall. The plant on an average grows up to a height of 2 feet to 3 feet.


The biggest disadvantage with this plant is that all the parts of this perennial happens to be harmful. So, when you plants these purple perennials, remember to use a pair of gloves. All the more, do not allow your pets to loiter near these plants. Since, these plants happen to be dangerous so, but naturally these plants have grown to be deer resistant. These are also hardy plants thus are not very easily prone to diseases.

Spike speedwell

This plant is very common for places that experience great chilly winters. If you have a small garden, then try growing these beautiful purple flowers. They flourish and bloom well when provided with ample sunshine. They grow candle like long flowers that bloom from down to top. Owing to their beautiful structure, these flowers are also called Royal candles.

Spike speedwell

These purple flowers do not get withered away very easily. They tend to remain in full bloom up to a time of 1 week. These purple perennials are great around the fountain areas or around the stony garden paths. Usually, these perennials are disease resistant but some might get withered away by the diseases like powdery mildew. These plants due to beautiful and enriched hues are a great attraction for bees and butterflies.


While decorating the garden, it is always important to understand the colour combinations of the plants that you grow. Undoubtedly purple perennials make the garden look very regal and unique. All the mentioned purple flowering perennials are extremely easy to grow and equally easy to maintain. These also do not grow very tall hence, do not tend to encroach upon other neighbouring plants. Hence, hopefully, with these variety of flowers, you will also surely try planting some of these perennials to make your garden even more vibrant and attractive.