With The New Year 2021, Welcome New Plants In Your Garden

Welcome New Plants In Your Garden

The last year, 2020 has been a havoc and a live nightmare for all the members across the globe. With the hope to bring about better luck to the homes, it is always good to grow lucky plants. Apart from beautifying each and every corner of your residence, certain plants also have the ability to welcome good luck. It is needless to say, any plant being grown in your garden can undoubtedly bring in delighting days and nights. The size of the garden no more matters in these generations.

Even with the minutest garden space, you can grow various types of flowers and trees. With wonderful intensive gardening hacks and raised garden beds, you can easily produce beautiful flowers even in the tiniest of the gardens. Herein, we have brought to you some of the best new plants for the garden in this auspicious new year.

Welcome New Plants In Your Garden

10+ best new plants for 2021


If you have a garden which does not have great loamy or fertile soil, the sedums will be a great option then. These are puffy and prickly looking succulents. Mind you! These only look to be prickly; but they actually are not. They have glossy branched leaves. The beautiful light greenish hue is a wonderful delight. It is needless to say, they will at the very first glance will make your year even more precious. You can plant them with little water. They can absolutely cost-effective.



Firstly, if you are looking for shrub like plants with decorated flowers, then Cuphea should be your prime choice. They grow as large shrubs with amazing violet flowers. They are resistant to scorching heat. These in a way can be good in providing shade to the other shade loving plants like the herbs etc.


Canna lily

Canna lily grows great when exposed to bright sun. With large stalks and folded fashioned Orange coloured flowers, these are excellent plants.

Canna lily

Black-eyed Susan vine

These too grow well when provided light up to seven to eight hours at a stretch. With yellow petals and black centres, these can easily pass as baby sunflowers.

Black-eyed Susan vine


These long and broad-leaved succulents are wonderful plants to grow in the new year. These are not only easy grow but also extremely easy to maintain. The Agaves are deep greenish plants which grow well in dry and less moistened soil. All the more, these succulents can grow in very restricted spaces; they do not have a branched feature.



These are perennial plants bearing flowers with colours ranging from pink to red. It also has a great sup species named painted leaf Begonia. The best species among the Begonias are Elatior Begonia, Wax Begonia and Begonia Corallina. These are extremely easy to grow in the sub-tropical zones. They love to breathe and expand in humid and moist weather. These also require regular watering with occasional need for fertilizers.



Hydrangeas are beautiful blue to purplish attractive flowers which can be grown in all corners of the gardens. These prefer shade. They can also grow well in planters. If you wish to grow them indoors, even that is possible. They need well-drained and proper aerated soil.



Hosta grows broad heart-shaped leaves will are dual coloured. The leaves are thin and love to expand in patches of shade. Hosta can grow up to a height of at least 14 to 16 inches. These plants need constant trimming or might encroach upon the area of other plants.


Desert Rose

With deep red bushy flowers, these plants are a must for your garden in this new festive season. If your garden happens to receive heat all throughout the day, these lovely blossoms will be perfect for your garden. Do not water these plants very regularly. These even do not require much trimming.

Desert Rose

Butterfly weed

The name of the plant might be misleading. Well, these flowers grow in thick bunches. They are tiny orange flowers. These can be easily grown with regular pruning and stuff.

Butterfly weed


If you wish to welcome your brand-new year with fine stalked plants, then Armerias will be a beautiful option. These are bushy pinkish red to crimson red flowers. They grow easily in soil which are loose and sandy. They need regular watering. Puddle formations are a big no for these plants. These also come in a White variant. Hopefully, these white Armerias with the clusters of other colourful ones will soon make your day more joyous and serene.



With the new year, hopefully your garden will also get a new look with beautiful new plants. The above-mentioned plants can indeed lighten your mood and beautify your garden. Do let us know which all plants did you add to your garden.