5 Ways To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes In Your Landscape

Published Categorized as Garden

If you have already decided to build up a fine garden, you should also make a chart about the way it should be protected. It is nothing new that if you have plants in your landscape, you will have the issue of weeds and pests. Hence, keeping precautionary and cure measures handy is very important. All the more, some seasons particularly invite various insects to your garden. You have to be equally alert while culturing the plants at the garden; be it indoors or at the outdoors. Among all insects, mosquitoes are absolutely dangerous and irritating at the same time. They have the constant buzzing sound, and are such great transmitters of so many dreadful diseases. The constant proliferation of the mosquito grounds in the landscape can also badly affect the plants.

Get Rid Of Mosquitoes In Your Landscape

Herein, with due care we have listed 5 important ways to get rid of the mosquitoes from the landscape.

The top 5 measures to shoo away mosquitoes from your landscape

Grow plants that mosquitoes are allergic to

Not only the humans, the mosquitoes too get allergic. Various plants repel mosquitoes. Plants like Lavender, citrosa, lemon thyme and basil do not allow the mosquitoes to buzz in their vicinity. These plants can be grown in hanging planters and can be used to ward away the indoor mosquitoes as well. Plants like Eucalyptus and Lavender also generate too strong smell and their oils can directly keep a place clean from mosquitoes.

Do not allow standing water

One of the most important part of prevention of breeding of mosquitoes is to keep no place for standing water. Let there be no puddles filled with stagnant water. Keep the empty containers and planters upside down, so that they do not collect any unwanted water. The humid and warm water is the best breeding ground for these insects. All the more, just at the onset of the rainy season, the scene even more dangerous. You can see the water collected in the puddles surfacing with the eggs of the mosquitoes. Hence, there is one easy solution to this. Either you totally prevent the storage of water or you spray oil on these puddles. The oil layer on the stagnant water will no longer allow any space for the growth of the larva.

You should also regularly clear any clogging in the drains or in the sewage channels. The broken tree bases or the stumps should be disposed with care as they too tend to hold water in. If you possess a sprawling lawn, remember to not flood it. The standing water at the roots of the grasses can also harbour mosquitoes.

The natural sprays and oils to assist you

Certain plants like citronella and peppermint have really harsh oil extracts. These can be cultured with water and can be used as great sprays against the mosquitoes. Even tea tree oil and cinnamon oil mixed with Greek catnip oil can also easily put an end to the mosquito menace. The oil extracts and the oils can either be used directly or can be diluted with water; since the oil extraction is arduous and time consuming.

The natural sprays and oils to assist you

There are homemade remedies for the same as well. You can simply use a mixture of vanilla extracts, lavender oil and lemon juice and can bottle it. Shake the liquid content vigorously and then spray it all over your landscape. If you wish to make the mix denser and more effective, you can add some soybean oil and vinegar to it as well.

Chemical measures to get rid of the mosquitoes

The organic or the natural measures to shoo away mosquitoes are no doubt effective. However, the chemical ones are a bit faster and more effective. You can use Pyrethrin sprays. Bifenthrin is also a great mosquito repellent.

Invite insects that can gulp down the mosquito larva

With mosquitoes eating other insects, thereby according to the food chain policy, insects like dragonflies feed on mosquitoes. Invite plenty of dragonflies to eat away the mosquitoes. You can make a perfect residence for the dragonflies. You have to simply provide a tiny pond with adequate oxygen; of two to three feet deep. It should receive at least five to six hours of constant sunlight.

The dragonflies will eat the mosquitoes from the initial egg stage to the adult stage.


The garden can only stay beautiful when proper protection measures are taken. It is needless to say, mosquitoes in the garden or in any part of the landscape, will harbour diseases and will spread filth.  Be it natural or chemical mosquito repellents, one should be very careful while spraying the same on the mosquito breeding grounds. Hopefully, the following ways will help to ward away this disease-causing insect from your landscape.