7 Easy Tips To Grow Succulents

Grow Succulents

Succulent plants are one of the wonders of the majestic floral world. These plants have thick, fleshy parts that help in retaining water in dry situations. Succulents come in varied shapes and sizes, which make them very attractive. These plants can tolerate moderate light and flourish in low humid environment. So, if you are looking for tips to grow succulents at your place, then here we are to help you with it. There are different variety of succulents, but most of them have similar requirements. Also, you may like to know that, cactus is a type of succulent but succulent doesn’t always mean cactus only.

Grow Succulents

Easy tips to grow succulents and maintain your garden-

Succulents can grow and survive even after weeks of neglect. So, it is easy to grow and maintain succulents even for the forgetful gardeners.

Light to grow succulents: –

Succulents usually grow in dry environment where they tolerate and thrive in continuous direct sunlight. So, if you are planning to grow succulents indoor, then you need to choose the spot accordingly. Place your succulents at windows or balconies where they get ample amount of sunlight throughout the day. Do remember to change the position if required with season. Good amount of sunlight helps your plant to mature and bloom beautifully.

Light to grow succulents

Soil to support succulent growth: –

As succulents grow in dry environment, the soil for their growth needs to well dried out. So do check and maintain that your potting mix is never too wet. The soil should be well drained. In case your plant is outdoor, then do maintain a dry vicinity. If you are potting your plant for indoors, ensure your pot has enough drainage facility to grow succulents. To maintain dry environment, you can also use crushed rocks. The soil base is very important for succulent growth, so extra care is required to maintain the desired soil nature.

Soil to support succulent growth

Proper amount of water to grow succulents: –

It is said succulents are the perfect fit for an ignorant garden. Well, the saying is right as succulents don’t require frequent watering. As succulents are suited to grow in arid areas, they can sustain on very low water. More so, succulents have thick fleshy parts to store water. So, water intermittently and ensure that the soil is never too wet. Once the plant settles in its environment, it requires even less water. Therefore, it’s the perfect fit for a gardener who forgets to water their plant.

Proper amount of water to grow succulents

Fertilizing your succulents: –

Succulents are adapted to grow in neglect and adverse situations. So, you don’t need to fertilize your succulents often or even at fixed intervals. During the growing season water-based fertilizer will be well accepted. So, once a month you can fertilize your growing succulents. Once the succulents are well established in their environment, they don’t need fertilizers any further.

Fertilizing your succulents

Planting your succulents: –

Succulents though appear to be very strong from outside, they have very tender roots at the early stage. So, when potting your plant, be careful with the roots. Gently shift and cover the roots with soil. Also do remember to wait for the soil to be dry before you water. To prepare your potting mix, you can easily get a premade cactus mix from your nearest nursery. But for better growth and sustained life, its better you prepare the soil. You can add pumice, grit, sharp sand which helps in maintaining low humidity.

Planting your succulents

Propagating to grow succulents: –

You can remove any extra growth if visible near your succulent plant. These outgrowths also develop roots on their own and can be used as separate plant. While removing the extra growth, be careful to not damage the existing plant. The roots are very tender, so you need to be extra careful while handling the growth.

Propagating to grow succulents

Cutting your succulents: –

There are two popularly used methods for cutting succulents. In one method we cut off leaves randomly. These leaves are then set out separately to dry. They then automatically develop roots and shoots in no time and are ready to be planted. In another method we cut off the stem. In many cases a succulent may grow to be too long than desired. So, in such situations, you can simply cut off the tip of the succulent with a little portion of stem connected. Let it out to dry. Once its dry, it develops root and stem in no time. Both these methods are equally easy and effective to maintain your and grow succulents.

Cutting your succulents

Succulents can add varied color to your garden with very little care and time. They can be easily grown and maintained in a small space. Succulents are pocket friendly and can be planted from grown itself. So, hurry and grow succulents with these easy tips.