4 Amazing and Effective Tools for Saving Water in Farming

Tools for Saving Water in Farming

In today’s world of growing farm produce faster and, in more quantity, people are forgetting the importance of conserving the nature. So, before we see some of the amazing and effective tools for saving water in farming, let us see why do we need them. With the technological advancements, farming has seen huge change in tools and techniques.

People use huge amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, to grow farm produce faster. These in turn affect the environment around and pose serious threat to natural beings. The usage of fertilizers and pesticides, also increase the amount of water required. Due to excessive use of fertilizers the amount of water wasted and run off from the farm lands are also increasing.

Tools for Saving Water in Farming

With fertilizers running off in to local water bodies, it is leading to water pollution too, which is adversely affecting the animals and living beings around the field. So, it is very important we look for effective tools for saving water in farming, besides sustainable agriculture practices. If we do not start saving water right away, the day is not far in future, when we would not have even drinking water. SO, it is high time we start saving water.

Tools for saving water in farming

Farming is an occupation which requires huge quantity of water and employs a major portion of the population. So, if we can start saving water in farming, we will be able to spread the importance of water saving. So, let us see some of the amazing and effective tools for saving water in farming.

1. Rain Water Harvesting

Rain water harvesting is very important for saving water in farming

Every farming area receives minimum to abundant rainfall. Most of the rainwater is not absorbed instantly and is thus wasted. So, if we can design rain water harvesting systems, we can collect this water for future use. You can construct tanks and reservoirs close to your farming field.

You can use this collected rain water for irrigation purpose when you have scarcity of water. This collected rain water will help you avoid unwanted environmental changes. With this collected water you can avoid scarcity of rain fall. Rain water harvesting is one of the most appreciated and acknowledged tool for saving water in farming.

Rain water harvesting

2. Agroforestry and its Benefits

Agroforestry plays a crucial role in saving water in farming

Trees play a very important role in helping to save water. Agroforestry speaks of including tall trees in your farming landscape. With the tall trees around, the water lost through evaporation from the field reduces. Trees also help in increasing the water retentivity of the soil, thus increasing the ground water level. With trees around, the chances of rainfall also increases as they contribute to cloud formation.

You can grow shade tolerant plants easily in the natural shade of trees. Your farming animals will also enjoy the shade of the trees. You can use the fruits from the trees for both personal and business consumption. The fallen leaves from the trees can help you make organic mulch for your field. You can also mix and match different varieties of trees and seasonal crops to protect your farm land from insects and pests, this way you will not require chemical pesticides. So, with agroforestry, you will have multiple benefits which will surely help you save water. So, agroforestry is one of the most amazing and effective tools for saving water in farming.

3. Rotational Grazing

Rotational grazing will surely help you in saving water in farming

In rotational grazing, livestock are moved from one field to another to plough the field. This helps in organically ploughing the field. It also helps in uprooting the weeds. With the ploughing of the fields, the water retentivity of the fields also increases.

The hooves of the livestock, helps in turning the soil upside down to certain extent, thus bringing fertile soil to the top. This reduces the need for chemical fertilizers and thus prevents extra water loss. So, rotational grazing should be tried out, if you are looking for effective tools for saving water in farming.

4. Cover Crops

Cover Crops can be used if you are looking for tools for saving water in farming

If you tend to leave your field barren between different crops, then you should opt for cover crops. Cover crops prevents excess evaporation from the soil. They also bind the soil together thus preventing soil erosion and also avoids unwanted growth of weeds. You can easily plough your field with the cover crops before planting your business crops.

Cover crops can be used if you are looking for tools for saving water in farming

This way you will have natural fertilizers. You can use nutrient rich crops as your cover crop. So, that when you plough them in your field, they will add nutrient to your soil organically. This will reduce demand for water too. So, cover crops is surely one of the most amazing tools for saving water in farming.